Page 100 of You're the Boss

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Maybe she’d forgive me if I made her coffee.

I slid my arm out from under her neck and slowly got out of the bed, keeping my gaze on her to make sure I didn’t wake her. I managed to make it up without disturbing her, and I grabbed some clean underpants from the pile on the chair in the corner and pulled them on before heading down to the kitchen.

I hit the button to turn on the coffee machine and removed the milk thing from the coffee machine to clean it out. I needed to do something mundane to keep my mind off thoughts of last night before my dick got any harder and made it impossible for me to function.

What stupid prick told her to sleep naked next to him?

I refilled the milk thing with enough for us both and connected it back to the coffee machine, then made our coffees. I’d told her to sleep in, but I knew her well enough to know that it would never happen. I wasn’t sure Chloe could sleep in even if her life depended on it, especially since we had to work this afternoon.


I couldn’t believe we had to work on a Saturday. That was the one thing we were supposed to avoid while we were in Buckley Heath.

The machine finished pouring my coffee, and I grabbed both of our mugs and took them upstairs. I was fairly sure I could hear the floorboards creaking, and that meant Chloe was awake.

“Oh, I wondered where you were.”

I stepped into the bedroom and paused. She was standing in the middle of the room tying her hair up into a bun, completely naked.

And completely fucking gorgeous.

I held out her coffee and turned away. “Take that and get back into bed before I do something you’ll punch me for.”

She laughed, taking the cup from me. “It’s a bit late to punch you for anything like that, don’t you think?”

“If only,” I muttered, walking around the bed to my side. “Did I wake you?”

“Mm, not really.” She sat back against the headboard and pulled the sheets up to cover her body. “By the way, are you a vampire?”


She was talking about the hickey.

“I guess you saw the hickey,” I said.

“Hickeys.Ssss,” she said, emphasising the ‘s.’ “Plural. Here, here, and here.” She pointed to two spots on her boobs and vaguely gestured to her thighs. “You’re a savage, Theo.”

I sipped my coffee. “Feel free to take revenge. An eye for an eye and all that.”

Chloe stared at me with her whiskey-coloured eyes. “I suppose I should be grateful you did them in places I can hide. I’d be screwed if they were on my neck.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I wasn’t thanking you.”

“I know, but you’re still welcome.”

She rolled her eyes and put her mug on the bedside table. “Speaking of being welcome, you never did tell me how you happened to have condoms in your drawer.”

I coughed and turned away. “Happy accident.”



I was about to look like a giant pervert.

“I might have purchased some after I caught you peeping on me,” I admitted.
