Page 20 of You're the Boss

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That made sense. If neither the letting office nor the real estate offices were currently open, we’d need a home base, and it didn’t make much sense to rent one when they had an ancestral seat to use for free.

“Well?” Alastair asked. “What do you think?”

I drew in a deep breath and looked down at my hands. I fidgeted with the edge of the plaster on my middle finger as I let the breath back out again.

This really felt like it was my best chance to get my resignation accepted.

“All right,” I said. “I’ll go.”


“Bahahahaha!” Heidi collapsed back onto the sofa, laughing. “You have tolivewith him? What kind of movie script are you living right now?”

I threw back the remaining wine in my glass and slammed the stemless glass back down on the table. “Don’t!”

“Are yousurethis isn’t going to end up in some situation where there’s only one bed?” Harriet asked, unscrewing the bottle to refill both our glasses. “Like, they’re not trying to set you up, are they?”

“Are you trying to give me nightmares?” I slid my glass back over to me. “No, it’s a four-bedroom house on the Ruxleigh estate. I’ve already seen the holiday rental listing they use, so I know it’s legit.”

“You know what the real problem here is?” Heidi sat back up and held out her phone. “This face.”

On her screen was a close-up picture of Theodore Black’s very handsome face.

“How does any sane, single, sexually active woman live in a house with this face for six weeks and not want to sit on it?”

“Quite easily. At one point, that face starts talking and loses all its charm,” I replied. “And you lose all your sanity.”

“It’s also awfully bold of you to assume Chloe is sexually active,” Harriet added.

“Exactly.” I paused. “Wait. You bitch.”

She swung her gaze towards me. “Are you sexually active?”

“Not with anyone else,” I muttered. “Like I have the time! Can you even imagine me going on a date and having to answer the phone to that man halfway through?” I pointed at Heidi’s phone. “It’d give any man a complex dating a woman at that bastard’s beck and call!”

They both stilled for a second before slowly nodding.

“That’s very true.” Heidi put her phone down. “Your ex wasn’t happy when he found out The Bastard was going to be your new boss.”

“He was also an insecure prick, so I’m not sure we can use Matt as a measuring stick,” I pointed out. “Either way, it can’t be as bad as I’m imagining, right? Work hours are clearly defined, we have our own bathrooms, and the place is pretty big for a four-bedroom house.”

“What about meals?”

“Ooh, good point,” Harriet said. “You’ll have to figure out a system for using the kitchen, the washing machine… Stuff like that.”

“You’re essentially roommates,” Heidi continued. “So, you’ll have to work out chores, too.”

“And decide what to do on days off. Do you hang out? Avoid each other?” Harriet tapped her finger against the table. “And the most important—”

“The TV schedule.” Heidi pointed at her.

Harriet tipped her glass towards her. “I was going to say dating, but you’re right.”

“Are you done?” I asked, picking up my glass. “You know, sometimes I forget you’re twins until you do that weird telepathy thing and start finishing each other’s sentences.”

They looked at each other. “But we’re identical,” Heidi said.

“How can you forget we’re twins?” Harriet finished.
