Page 24 of You're the Boss

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I should have just accepted the resignation letter the first time she’d given it to me. At the very least I should have discussed this acquisition and trip with her. She’d signed an NDA, and even if she hadn’t, I trusted that she wouldn’t say a word to anyone about it.

Then none of this would have happened. Gramps wouldn’t have put on his stupid bloody matchmaker hat, and I wouldn’t have to live with Chloe in Buckley Heath.

How on Earth was I supposed to survive for six weeks in the same house as the woman I had feelings for?

More than that… The woman who hated me?


“Good morning, Mr Black,” Melody said, putting a coffee and folder down on my desk. “Here’s the agenda for your meeting with Satome Landscaping and your coffee.”

I glanced at the stapled sheets of paper she’d handed me, then up at her. “Where’s Chloe? I didn’t see her when I came in.”

“Oh, uh, umm.” She shifted from foot to foot. “Miss St. James stopped by with your coffee and headed up to the President’s office just before you arrived. She asked me to tell you that she’ll be back in an hour.”

“Did she say what he needed her for this early on a Monday morning?”

“No, sir. I asked, but she said you’d probably know.”


Dad had probably had someone draw up the contract over the weekend. We were only two days away from the announcement, and we’d have to quickly decide when to leave if we were going to have at least some of the cottages ready before the summer season really kicked into gear.

“Very well. Have her come and see me when she returns,” I said, reaching for my coffee. “You said she brought this with her?”

“Yes, sir. It hasn’t been very long, but if it’s not hot, I’ll get you another.”

“It’s fine. You may go.” I turned my attention to the papers she’d brought me and scanned over it. I still had an hour and a half until the meeting would begin, and since it was virtual, I could take my time.

Maybe it would be best to have Chloe sit in on all these meetings now.

I tossed the papers right down on my desk and leant back in my chair, dropping my head back so I was looking up at the ceiling. There was so much to do for Adair Travel, and I really didn’t have the time to be sitting here feeling sorry for myself, but here I was.

Sitting here.

Feeling fucking sorry for myself.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the look on her face during the meeting. She’d been utterly horrified when Gramps had suggested she go with me, but that had quickly changed once he’d mentioned her resignation being accepted.

It’d swung right back to disgust when I’d brought up the fact we’d be living in the same house.

Was I that terrible to work with? Was I that much of a horrible boss? Sure, I was strict and had lofty standards, but did that make me a bad person? Laziness didn’t equal success, but it wasn’t as though I policed the lives of my subordinates.

I reached for my phone and dialled Harvey’s extension. His secretary answered, and I said, “This is Theodore Black. Is Harvey available?”

“Ah, yes, sir. Would you like me to patch you through?”

“No. Have him come to my office.”

“Yes, sir.”

I hung up and dialled through to Melody outside, telling her he was on his way, then put my phone back on the hook.

If it weren’t for those arsehole directors on the board, none of this would be happening. I wouldn’t have to go in person, I wouldn’t have to drag Chloe with me, I wouldn’t have to live with her.

‘When you’re at Buckley Cottage, you’ll be away from the eyes of the directors, and you can show her who you really are.’
