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“That doesn’t mean anything. When are you supposed to start?”

Closing my eyes, I thought about it. Snapping them open, I took a few steps back until I ran into the sofa. “Three days ago.”

Wes dropped everything onto the counter. “Put your coat on. The pharmacy down the street is open. I saw people going in and out.”

Following his lead, I grabbed my coat, gloves, and hat and practically ran to the elevator.


It’s Too Soon...Or Is It?

I paced across the bedroom while Clare sat on the edge of the bed bouncing her right leg. She had done what she needed to do and left the test sitting on the bathroom counter.

“We need to go look at it,” she said on a long sigh.

Keeping up my pace, I nodded. “I know.”

“Do you want me to go look at it first, or should we do it together?”

I walked over to the bed and reached my hand down for Clare’s. “Let’s do it together.”

She inhaled, then released it as she stood. “Okay. Together.”

Hand in hand we walked to the bathroom, and right before we walked in, I pulled her to me and kissed her.

When we broke apart, Clare swayed a little. “What wasthatfor?”

“No matter what the test says, I love you. We’ll figure it out if it’s positive, but I need you to know I’m not going to freak out.”

She looked up at me with those blue eyes ofhers. “I’m glad one of us won’t freak out, because if that test says I’m pregnant, I’m freaking the fuck out.”

I laughed and hugged her. “Fair enough.”

Clare and I both walked up to the counter, each of us looking in the mirror.

“On the count of three we look down.”

“Wait,” I quickly said. “Are we looking down after three or on three?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know, um, on three.”

Nodding, I replied, “Okay. I’ll count. One. Two. Three.”

We both looked down and stared at the test. Neither one of us saying a word for what felt like forever.

I drew in a long, deep breath before exhaling. “I kind of feel disappointed, as crazy as that sounds.”

Clare reached for my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine. She let out a breath that sounded like she had been holding it in forever. “I’m not pregnant,” she softly said. “I have this strange feeling of being relieved and sad at the same time.”

We turned and faced one another. Putting my hand on the side of her face, she leaned into it. “It will happen when it’s supposed to happen. I’d like for us to at least be married first.”

Her eyes lit up. “Married?”

I smiled. “Yeah. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I think about what it will be like when we get married. Will we keep living here in the condo, or will we move to the suburbs like my brothers did?”

Chewing on her lower lip, she said, “I think about that too. I know we’re still new in our relationship, but I do dream of what life will be like later on when we do get married. A part of me wants to stay in town. I love the feel of the city. But I would imagine when the time came to think of kids, it only makes sense to move out of town. Where they have space to run around and climb trees. Oh! We could even get a dog!”

I closed my eyes. “Not if it’s anything like Flash.”
