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Leaning toward me, Wes whispered, “I say we practice with a dog first.”

Turning to him, I smiled. “Do I get to pick her out?”


I nodded.

He pretended to think about it, and right at that moment, Flash ran by with one of Wes’s shoes, Finn hot on his tail with Presley running behind him with the other shoe.

With a long sigh, he said, “As long as it isn’t a dalmatian, you can pick out the dog.”

Laughing, I reached up and kissed him quickly on the lips. “Deal.”

Epilogue - Angie

The Truth Comes Out

I drew in a deep breath and slowly blew it out. Time was running out, and I needed to tell my parents about the baby. I was already twelve weeks pregnant, and my brothers were pushing me to tell our parents.

“You okay?” Reece asked as he came and stood next to me.

“I’m scared of what they’re going to say, Reece.”

He turned me to face him. His finger went to my chin, and he lifted my face so that our gazes met. “They love you, Angie. They’re not going to disown you.”

“I called my brothers and asked if they’d be there.”

“Do you want me to come?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Well, if you ask me, I think it would look better if I was there with you. We’re partners in this, right?”

Nodding, I tried not to cry, but my emotions were all over the place lately, and a tear slipped free. A pained look appeared on Reece’s face.

“Please don’t cry. I hate when you cry.”

I drew in a deep breath and blew it out. “I think I would really like it if you came.”

He smiled, and I couldn’t help but smile back. Goodness, that was what got us into this situation. Reece was beyond handsome. He was just under six feet and built with muscles that seemed to have their own muscles. Dimples appeared when he gave you his megawatt smile. Topping off the good looks, he had brown hair and light brown eyes that had gold sunbursts.

“Let me get changed and we’ll head out.”

All I could do was nod and wrap my arms around me. The idea of telling my parents I was pregnant made me feel sick to my stomach.

The entire drive to my parents’ house outside of Boston was silent. I loved that Reece didn’t need to have endless talking to fill the silence. He seemed to always know what I needed. I had moved in with him right after Christmas into his two-bedroom condo. Another thing my parents didn’t know about. I dropped my head against the seat and sighed.

Reece reached for my hand and squeezed it. I instantly felt calmer.

“Thank you for coming,” I softly said, turning my head to look at him.

He winked at me as he said, “You’re welcome.”

“Don’t worry, my brothers will keep my father from killing you.”

His head jerked to look at me, a worried expression on his handsome face. “What?” he asked before he focused back on the road.

Laughing, I said, “I’m kidding. I’m not really worried about my dad. It’s Mom who has me worried.”
