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Smiling, I sat down and grabbed the blanket and put it over my legs. I reached for the ice cream and said, “I loveJumanji. The second and the third are my favorites.”

He turned to look at me. “Are you serious?”

I nodded. “Yep. ‘Where’s my phone? The fact that I’m not Instagramming this right now is insane.’”

Wes tossed his head back and laughed. “What are the odds we’d both like those movies?”

Taking a bite of my ice cream, I shrugged. Had I told him this was my favorite ice cream? Or that this was my favorite movie?

After staring at him for a moment too long, I focused on the dessert in my hand.

We both settled in with our ice cream and beer and ate in silence as we watched the movie. When Wes leaned over and took a bite of my ice cream, I didn’t say a word. He then offered for me to try the brownie something or other that he had.

“No, thanks. I’m a Cherry Garcia girl.”

When I couldn’t eat anymore ice cream, I took mine and Wes’s and put them in the freezer, grabbing us another beer before settling back on the sofa.

“Do you have another cover?” Wes asked.

“Here,” I said as I spread it out over both of us. “It’s big enough to share.”

It was then that I noticed how content I felt. At ease and happy, I hadn’t felt like this in a very long time.

I turned to look at Wes who was engrossed in the movie. Was it because it was Wes sitting here? Would I have felt this way had it been Alex?

Turning back to the movie, I bit down on my lip. No, because Alex would have wanted to drink wine and listen to jazz. Gag.

“Do you like jazz music?” I asked out of the blue.

He turned to me with a perplexed expression. “Random, but okay. Not really. I mean, I can go to a jazz bar if friends want to listen to it, but I can also do without it.”

I nodded and we both went back to watching the movie. Ten minutes later, I asked, “Do you drink wine?”

This time he kept his eyes on the TV. “Only when forced to.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Turning to face him, I asked, “Favorite TV show?”

He laughed. “That’s easy.FriendsorS.W.A.T.”

Narrowing my eyes, I asked, “Who is our favorite friend?”

“You can’t ask me that. It would be like picking a favorite parent. I like them all for different reasons. If I had to pick who I would want to hang out with, though, I think it would be Joey. He seems like he’d be more fun than Ross or Chandler.”

Grinning like a fool, I asked, “Who would you rather sleep with? Monica, Rachel, or Phoebe?”

“Ohh…that’s a hard one. Which of the guys would you sleep with?”

I screwed up my face then laughed. “I don’t know! Maybe Ross?”

“Ross? Why?”

“He’s cute and smart and I don’t know. He just seems the sweetest of them all.” I hit his leg. “Now back to you. Who would you sleep with?”

His eyes darted down to my mouth, and I felt my heart freeze in my chest. Then they were back to staring into my own eyes.

“Okay, if had to pick, Rachel. She’s a good mix between Monica and Phoebe.”

I nodded. “Okay, I can see that.”
