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The door softly clicked shut and I heard Mom moving around in the kitchen. I glanced down and saw a book sitting on the coffee table. It was the book Clare had been reading. Reaching for it, I picked it up.

Dare Meby Samantha Chase.

“Now why can’t you find a girl like Clare, Wes? She has everything. Beauty, brains, a kind heart.”

I nodded but didn’t say anything. Instead, I leaned back, opened the book, and began reading.


Parties and Stolen Kisses

The surprise anniversary party at Preston and Harmony’s house for Wes’s parents, was a hit. They were both surprised and had no clue the kids had been planning the party. The decorations screamed romance, winter, love, and holiday, all in one, and I, for one, was glad we had all taken the time to make them. It made everything just more personal.

I glanced around the room at all the couples and realized that Wes and I were the only two single people in the group. Even Angie brought a date.

Blowing out a breath, I made my way to the makeshift bar and asked for another glass of champagne. Once I had that in hand, I turned to the food table. Rory and Harmony had decided to keep the party simple with finger foods so that people could mingle and nibble at the same time. The cake, however, was beautiful, and I was dying for them to cut into it so I could try it. It was a Snickers cake. Their parents both loved Snickers, and my mouth watered every time I looked at the damn thing.

“If you keep looking at the cake like that, I’m going to start to get jealous,” Wes softly said as he came up behind me.

Letting out a soft groan, I replied, “When can we cut the cake? It’s sinful to tease everyone with it. And if I’m being honest, a tad bit cruel to keep us waiting for dessert like this.”

“Be honest with me,” Wes said, standing next to me now. “How badly do you want to run your finger through the caramel that is running down the cake.”

I put my fist up to my hand. “It’s taking everything I have not to do it. I mean, look at that thing! It’s practically begging for someone to taste it.”

“Okay, I have plan. I’ll keep a look out, you take this spoon and get a smidge of it. Then you keep an eye out for me.”

Laughing, I playfully elbowed him. “Stop it. I am not about to do that to your parents’ anniversary cake. We can wait.”

He sighed. “Can we, though? If I have to eat one more of those little meatball things, I’m going to explode. Whose idea was it to serve this kind of food? I’m a man…I need more than appetizers to hold me over.”

Turning to face him, I leaned in so no one else would hear. “I did see some chicken salad sandwiches in the kitchen.”

Wes raised his brows. “For real?”

I gave him a mock hurt look. “I would never lie about food.”

With a quick glance around, he whispered, “You go to the kitchen first, then I’ll follow.”

Before I turned to walk to the kitchen, he grabbed my hand. “Don’t eat them all!”

I rolled my eyes. “You seriously think I can polish off a dozen sandwiches in the time it will take for you to wait for me to get into the kitchen and follow after?”

Wes shrugged. “If you’re as hungry as I am…”

Spinning on my heels, I made my way through the crowd of people and to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and nearly let out a scream as I shut it quickly. Turning to the doorway ofthe kitchen, I willed Wes to walk through. When he wasn’t there five minutes later, I started to walk out, only to bump into him.

“Oh my God! Where have you been?”

He sighed. “I got stopped by mother who introduced me to her friend Judith’s daughter, Candice. I had to make small talk with her. It would have been rude to say excuse me I’m meeting someone in the kitchen to eat some real food.”

I waved him off. “It doesn’t matter. Wait until you see what I found!”

“What? What did you find?”

Motioning him to the island, I said, “Sit down, I’ll get it.”

Wes sat down at one of the stools at the kitchen island as I opened the refrigerator and took out our secret meal.
