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“Thank you, I think I’m going to take you up on watching some TV.”

Taking the glass of wine, I headed over to his large sofa, grabbed the remote, and sat down.

I turned on the TV and punched in the channel number of my favorite station.

“No, oh God, no. Not the Hallmark Channel.”

Smiling, I took a sip of wine before I set it down on the side table. “Oh, come on. It’s Christmas movies. Who doesn’t love Christmas movies?”

Wes pointed to himself. “This guy, right here. He doesn’t love Christmas movies. Especially Hallmark ones. There isn’t even any sex in them.”

I frowned. “How about this. We watch one movie, and then you can turn the TV to whatever you want it on.”

“One movie? That’s all?”

Holding up my finger, I said, “I promise. If you hate it, we’ll change the channel.”

Wes smiled and my stomach did a little dip. “You’ve got a deal.”


I Got What I Wanted...Or Did I?

One Christmas movie turned into two movies, and we had finished off the bottle of wine from dinner. And before I knew it, I had a blanket covering up both me and Clare as she snuggled into my side as we watched TV.

“They’re going to admit they love each other at the town festival. How much do you want to bet?” Clare said with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes. “It’s so predictable, how do you like these movies?”

“Because they’re feel-good movies. Admit it, how many times have you smiled or internally sighed.”

I laughed. “Okay, I won’t lie, I might have had a feel-good moment or two.”

Clare poked me in the side, causing me to jerk away. “I knew it! See, you do have a heart down in there somewhere.”

Grabbing her hand to stop her from tickling me, she tried to pull away as we both laughed. One tug had her falling into me, and our laughter slowly faded away as we looked into each other’s eyes.

“You’re ticklish, huh?” she asked, lights dancing in her blue eyes.

“I am. Are you?”

She bit down on her lip and shook her head. I raised my brows as I slowly moved my hand toward her stomach.

“No! No, no no! Wes, if you tickle me, I’ll pee my pants!”

I let out a bark of laughter as Clare scrambled to get away from me. When she broke free, I took off after her while she let out a scream of delight. I grabbed her and spun her around and was about to toss her onto the sofa when someone knocked on my door.

“Was that someone at your door?” Clare asked.

Slowly letting her slide down my body, I kept my hands on her upper arms. She looked so damn adorable and irresistible. I lifted my hand and cupped the side of her face. When she leaned into my touch, I felt my heartbeat pick up.

We waited for a few moments, and both smiled.

“I don’t think anyone is at your door.”

“Clare,” I softly spoke as I leaned closer to her. Her tongue swept across her lips, and it felt like a punch to my chest. Everything had changed over these last few weeks, and the feelings I felt toward the woman before me shifted in the most profound way. As if suddenly everything clicked and made sense. I wanted Clare in a way I hadn’t wanted any other woman, and that included Mandy.

“Wes…we should…um…”
