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She stood and I followed her lead.

“I’ll text you everything. We can either pick you up or you can meet us there.”

“How about I meet you. Just text me the time and address and I’ll be there.”

Autumn hugged me, then pushed me back some as she let her eyes roam over me. “Maybe freshen up your makeup tonight before you come out.”

My eyes went wide. “Are you saying I look bad?”

She screwed up her face. “No, you look…tired.”

Before I could say anything, she spun and called back over her shoulder. “You’re going to love him! See you later!”

An hour later my phone buzzed with a text from Autumn.

Autumn: Seven tonight at The Barking Crab. Jason is looking forward to meeting you.

For a hot second I nearly backed out. Instead, I typed back my reply and hit send. It was time to move on, even if my heart felt bruised…it wasn’t shattered. At least, that was what I kept telling myself.

Me: I’ll be there! Looking forward to it.


Hangovers and Christmas Trees

The banging on my door did nothing but piss me off. I wanted to be alone, and whoever was currently pounding their fist to get my attention was going to get an earful.

Ripping the door open, I groaned when I saw Angie standing there.

“For fuck’s sake, Angie, why are you pounding on my front door?”

“Because you’ve been holed up in this apartment for a week now, Wes. Finn called me and said he’s worried. You haven’t even been to work. What in the hell is going on?”

Turning, I walked to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grabbed a beer.

“Why don’t you go take a shower, change into some clothes, and let’s go get something to eat. You look like you haven’t had a decent meal in days. Have you lost weight?”

“Leave me alone, Angie.”

I dropped onto the sofa and unmuted the TV. Angie walked up next to me and laughed.

“You’re watching the Hallmark Channel? Holy shit, it’sworse than Finn thought,” she said as she picked up the remote and muted the show. “What happened, Wes?”

I took a long drink of my beer, set it on the table, and looked directly at my younger sister. “What happened?”

“Yes, what happened? And I should go ahead and warn you, Mom said she is going to come over if you don’t answer her phone calls soon.”

My hand scrubbed down my face as I cursed.

“Exactly. Let’s get it all out in the open so your baby sister can help you fix it. I’m going to assume you fucked up with Clare. Rory said Clare has been avoiding her like the plague.”

“She doesn’t want to risk seeing me. She won’t take any of my phone calls, won’t answer my texts, and I even tried to go to her job, and the fucking security guys wouldn’t even let me past the lobby.”

I looked at Angie “Did you know Clare worked for the Boston Red Sox?”

She nodded. “I did know that.”

Frowning, I said, “I didn’t for the past year. I never took the fucking time to get to know her in the right way.”
