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Angie moved the beer out of the way and sat on the coffee table. “So, you and Clare were an item? Rory said you were pretend dating to make Mandy jealous. My biggest question is, why in the hell would you ever want that woman back? None of us could stand her, Wes. She treated you like shit, broke your heart, and then used you.”

I blew out a frustrated breath. “I don’t know, Angie. I was confused. I think a part of me never wanted her back, but maybe I wanted her to want me so I could push her away like she did me. I don’t know. All I know is what started out as fake dating turned to me wanting to spend my time with Clare. Her smile and her laughter make me feel all fucking warm inside. I like talking to her, being with her. I was going to tell her that morningthat I didn’t want to try and win Mandy back. That I wanted to date her. For real. I was going to tell her I wanted her. Then Mandy showed up and started talking about wanting me back. Clare went into my bedroom, but I know she heard all the things Mandy was saying. She insulted Clare.”

Autumn sat up straight. “How?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, said some bullshit about how Clare wasn’t good enough for me or something like that. Then Mandy threw herself at me and kissed me. Clare saw the kiss and assumed it was two-sided. I tried to go after her, but she was so angry she wouldn’t listen. Then she told me she wanted me to leave her alone.”

My sister’s mouth dropped open. “And you did?”

“No! I called her every day. Even when I knew she was dealing with her parents, I called her when I woke up, at lunchtime, dinner, before I went to bed. I texted her. Nothing. She doesn’t want to see or talk to me.”

Angie hit me on the side of the head.

“What the fuck, Angie! Why did you hit me?”

“Because you’re an idiot, Wes! Obviously. Do you have feelings for Mandy?”

“No, and I told her as much. After Clare left, I came back and told Mandy she needed to leave, that I didn’t have any feelings for her and never would. That it was Clare I wanted, not her. And to enjoy her life with Ron and her jazz music.”

“Okay, well, at least you took care of that problem. Now we have to get you and Clare together.”

“How? I already told you, she won’t talk to me.”

Angie stood and started to pace back and forth. “We need a plan.”

“No, I’m done with plans.”

“Not a deceiving kind of plan. One that gets you talking to Clare. You need to sit down and tell her how you feel, Wes.”

She paused and tilted her head as she regarded me. “How do you feel? I mean, you said you want her, but is it more than sexual?”

I rubbed at that familiar ache that had been in my chest since those elevator doors closed.

“I don’t know. I know I’ve never really felt this way before. I mean, I know what being in love feels like, but with Clare this all feels…different. When I’m with her I feel happy and content. These last two weeks with her not speaking to me, I feel…”

“Lost?” Angie asked.

My gaze met my sister’s, and I felt my heart jerk in my chest. It all made sense. I nodded. “Yes. I don’t feel complete, I feel like someone reached into my chest and fucking ripped out my heart.”

Angie’s hand came up to her mouth. “Oh my God, Wes, you’re in love. You love Clare.”

I didn’t want to deny it, but I was also scared shitless to admit it. The feelings I felt for Clare were strong, that much I knew. I more than cared about her.

“She’s so much better than me. She’s out of my league, and I’m not sure I deserve her. And the worse part of all is that I hurt her, Angie. The look on her face when she saw Mandy kiss me. Then in that elevator she looked so fucking hurt, and I’m the one who did that to her.”

Angie sat back down on the table across from me and grabbed my hands. “Wes, fight for her. Don’t let her push you away.”

“I don’t know what to do to make her believe that I don’t want Mandy.”

“We’ll think of something. Come on, we’ll think better if we grab something to eat.”

I got up, took a quick shower, and changed.

“What’s within walking distance?” Angie asked as we rode the elevator down to the lobby. “I’m in the mood for seafood.”

“The Barking Crab.”

Angie clapped. “Yes! Let’s go there!”

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