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“Dude, you need to do like a grand gesture,” Finn stated.

“It doesn’t have to be grand,” Rory said. “Wes, you just have to be honest with her. Tell her how you feel. If you like her, and want to see where things go, tell her.”

I dropped back onto the bed. “I think I love her. No, no, I don’t think, I do; I know I do. I might have loved her the first moment she opened that spitfire mouth of hers.”

The line went silent, and for a second, I thought they had hung up.


“We’re here. Just processing what you said,” Finn said. “Wes, get in the shower, make some coffee and sober up.”

“Why? What reason do I have? It’s almost Christmas, and if I want to get drunk, I can and will.”

“Two reasons, Christmas is in two days, and if you miss it, Mom’s going to be taking things into her own hands. The second reason, you don’t really want to wait another minute before you tell Clare how you feel. Get your head out of your ass and it will come to you what you need to do to show her how you feel.”

And just like that, the fog cleared, I instantly sobered up and stood. “I need to get a Christmas tree.”

“What?” Rory and Finn said at the same time.

“A Christmas tree, I need to go get one.”

Rory cleared her voice and tried not to sound condescending. “Um, are you sure you want to decorate right now? I mean, don’t you want to get Clare back?”

Smiling, I quickly made my way to the bathroom, strippingout of the clothes I’d had on for way too long. I turned on the shower and said, “Trust me, Rory. I have a plan. I need to go.”

Before either one of them could say another word, I hung up, slipped into the shower, and for the first time in the last two weeks, I felt a sense of hope.


Is This Really Happening?

The light knock on my office door had me glancing up.

“Hey, Jess, what’s up?”

Jess was the receptionist for the main lobby.

She walked in and handed me an envelope. “A good-looking guy dropped this off for you. He said it was urgent you got it right away, so I brought it up myself.”

I raised my brows as I stood and took the envelope from her. “What did he look like?”

A dreamy look appeared on her face. “Brown hair, scruffy beard, like he’s not sure he wants to grow one or not. He was hot.”

I instantly brought up the image of Wes in the restaurant. He had looked like he hadn’t slept in days and had grown a slight beard. The sight of him had almost been too much, and I had to keep myself from getting up and walking over to him and Angie. Then when I saw them get up and leave, my heart fell to the floor. Was he avoiding me, or was it just as painful for him to see me as it was for me to see him.

“Did he say anything?” I asked Jess.

“Just that he needed you to have this as soon as possible and that it was urgent. Do you know who it was?”

Smiling, I ran my finger over my name in Wes’s handwriting. “Yes, it’s a friend of mine.”

“Is he single?”

My smile turned into a frown, and I looked up at her. “I don’t know.”

It was true, I didn’t know what had happened between Wes and Mandy. If I had listened to the plethora of voicemails or read his texts, I might know.

“I’ve got to get back,” Jess said, turning and making her way out of my office.
