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Smirking, I glanced at El. One guess whose idea that was. “I, uh, would love to, but might have to take a rain check. El, can I have a minute?”

Blinking, she quirked her head, a hint of a blush creeping up her cheeks and warming my own. “Um, yeah. Pierce, I’ll catch up later!”

“Sounds good. Broderick,” he extended a hand, his shake sincere as I accepted. Prick. “Good to see you again.”

“Likewise,” I said, nodding to his sister. When our companions were out of earshot, El turned on me, holding her posture, but the subtle shift on her heels told me she was either as nervous as I was or picking up on my own anxiety, which seemed to grow as Pierce’s back shrunk on the horizon.

“Hey, what’s up?”

Now or never. Holding her stare, I smiled before asking, “What are you doing tonight after the finalists are announced? I talked my uncle into getting me tickets to Taylor Swift tonight, and I’m in the mood to celebrate. With you.”



I needed a drink. Strong. Whiskey. Neat. Never in my life had my stomach been flopping on such a relentless cycle unless I voluntarily strapped myself into a death mobile on a rollercoaster. And those butterflies were electively endured, not set loose by my teenage fantasy deigning to acknowledge me. My phone buzzed incessantly as my emotional support humans freaked out nearly as much as I was. Broderick got us seats for the concert tonight, and even scoped out an authentic Italian restaurant near the event center. First Mexican, then sushi, now my weak spot for authentic marinara and favorite musician from high school?


You have got to be kidding me.


So help me god, if you don’t climb this man like a tree, I will fly down there to kick your ass.


Climbing the competition is generally frowned upon.


Frowned upon but not specifically prohibited. Fine by me.


I can’t believe he’s doing this. HOW is he doing this?


One does not ask questions when handed sold out tickets to Taylor Swift.


Isn’t she sold out all week? Aren’t seats like a grand a pop? How’d he even get them?!? If he didn’t know you were coming, he couldn’t have planned this ahead of time, which means he got his hands on these this week.


The conference has been three consecutive ten plus hour days. I would also like to know how Professor Handsome pulled this off.


Did Mr. Allen defend somebody in the mob? Win some kind of favor Broderick cashed in?


A gambling ring, maybe?

In all my searches, I found nothing but squeaky clean, obnoxiously bright sunshine and rainbows regarding the Allens. Believe me. I do my research.
