Page 17 of Ryker

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This had to be a test. A terribly fucking hard test. One that, for the first time in my entire life, I wasn’t sure I was going to pass.


Perusing the goods in the fridge to find something edible turned up absolutely nothing. I should have known, especially when the last person I wanted to talk to was inches from my face, studying my expression.

“Not Killian?” Nyla asked hopefully as if she’d win a prize if she was right.

“Why do you care?” I spit out.

“I don’t. I just…” She let out a pitiful sigh, her entire body deflating like a sorry balloon.

I studied her the same way she had me, trying to see beneath all the lies Nyla had thrown at me last week when she sold her position for a story on my previous love life. “Why did you really do it? I get that Alex promised you a better seat or maybe your name on a column or some shit. But what’s the real reason?” I pushed a little venom into my words, waiting for the truth. Maybe she’d tell me.

Or maybe she’d spit more lies.

Nyla swallowed nervously and put a step between us, holding up her hands. “My last story was supposed to really take the cake but it didn’t pan through.”

“You didn’t have another story,” I blurted out. Nyla was terrible at secrets. She told me everything.

“I did. I didn’t say anything because she was so scared. She didn’t even give me much to work off of but she said she had information on a relationship with one of the top ten bachelors! How could I pass that up?” A frown slid across my lips and Nyla waved her hands frantically, trying to stave off whatever reaction I was about to have. “We get junk mail and calls all the time, most of which we ignore. However, I was just shifting through and her handwriting was pretty so I picked it up, and… she had information about her sister and a surgeon. A surgeon, Killian.”

My mind started racing. Slash had dated a woman? He had never mentioned that, not that we had done much talking about our pasts and exes.

“But she died and I needed a new story, something that was just as good or Alex wouldn’t have me.”

That had to be the woman who died over a week ago, the one everyone had been scurrying around trying to write an article about. Nyla had made contact with her? That didn’t even make sense but I ignored it and turned back to the fact that Nyla had sold me out. “Apparently, you needed the story more than you need friends.” I wouldn’t lie and say it didn’t hurt a little but we’d find a way to pay her back tenfold for her friendship.

I didn’t have time to dwell on it as a familiar streak of blue caught my eye. Aeron? Peeking out of the small kitchen, I locked on Aeron’s form, heading for the family bathroom. What the fuck is he doing here? Anger clouding my vision, I stalked after him, surprised to find the door still cracked open. Almost like an invitation. Like I gave a shit. I was just glad that it was far removed from the cubicles. I—well, Dark and Killian, too—needed Aeron to understand a few things.

I kicked in the door, relishing the way it swung against the other wall with a thundering crack. Aeron didn’t even seem phased, staring at me silently like he knew what my reaction was going to be after I found out. I hated the way he could read us, but I wasn’t going to back down on this one. My men kept telling me to be honest with them, and then I found him here doing god knows what for a story that Nyla had been pestering me about forever.

His arms shot out, closing the door behind us, and in another moment, he had gathered me against his chest, his lips on mine. The kiss was needy and desperate, asking for forgiveness as he backed me into the door. One hand snaked in between us, stroking my dick a few times until I was instantly hard and straining for his touch.

Fuck, Daemon. We were going to TALK!

I grunted, shoving at Aeron’s chest angrily. He always liked riling me up before I got lost in his touches. Not today. Killian had given me the reins, and I was going to fucking use them like a boss. I swiped the back of my hand across my lips, erasing his touch. He stepped back, his expression changing to worry.

“No, none of that. I’m fucking pissed.”

“Kitten.” And now my heart was melting again. I think he saw the change in my face as he embraced me again. I sighed into his chest, clutching at his shirt. I’d apologize to Dark and Killian later, but I needed this. The last time I had seen Aeron, I had freaked him out. We hadn’t really talked since then, and I felt a bit lost without him. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you,” he whispered.

“Stop hiding things from me. It’s fucking annoying,” I mumbled into his shirt.

Daemon, you know we’re still at work, right?

I didn’t answer him, but the thought that Killian was going to have to walk through the multitude of questions his coworkers had about his past relationship made it a problem.

Aeron placed a soft kiss on my head, cradling me in his arms. I could stay here forever. “I’m sorry, baby, that I didn’t tell you. I just thought… it was better if they thought we weren’t acquainted now.”

“Samael wanted me to stay home for this, didn’t he?” I pulled back just enough to stare into Aeron’s eyes. He seemed conflicted.


One-word answers? That wasn’t like him. “What aren’t you telling me?” I demanded but was only met with silence. I shoved him off again. “What the fuck aren’t you telling me?” My men had conspired some elaborate plan to have Aeron give up his life story to The Revival. But for what? It couldn’t have been a strategic PR move. None of them had managers or reps or anything like that. “Does this have anything to do with the dead woman who was trying to meet Nyla?”

Aeron’s brows creased as he tilted his head. “What are you talking about? What do you know about Jenny?”

So, they did know. “I’m talking about how she was going to give this tell-all exclusive about a relationship between her sister and a top ten bachelor who happened to be a surgeon. That’s all Nyla had but there’s only one surgeon I know of.”
