Page 24 of Ryker

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And it wasn’t that I just couldn’t find an explanation.

It was the fact that these tears and the fear and the freakout felt foreign to me. As if the shell of who I was—Killian—was exhibiting these emotions. But for me? I felt nothing. Nothing but lust and desire and the overwhelming need to be owned. I hoped that one of these three men would oblige me.

When Samael plopped me into his lap in one of the seats opposite the freezers and asked, “Let’s figure this out, shall we?” The only thing I wanted to know was how to get one of them on top of me, making me scream their names.

A full 180, I know.

The ‘sick fuck’ part of my personality was becoming a little too comfortable.


I was settled in Samael’s lap, my small form snuggled into his massive chest, his arms strapped around my waist in the most protective embrace I’d had in a while. I leaned back against his shoulder, staring at my two other men, wondering what to say. Aeron looked hurt, and Slash was just… confused. They all thought I would break, like a piece of porcelain glass on the edge of the table.

They weren’t wrong, per se but I wasn’t as fragile as I looked.

I didn’t even know where to start—as they were obviously waiting for me to tell them what was going on. I had freaked out on them multiple times but never like this. Never once had I thought they would hurt me.

Primrose, are we losing it? Because I feel like we’re losing it.

Can we focus on the problem at hand?

I brushed them off as Samael nibbled on my ear, tightening his arms around my stomach, grounding me to the present, and drawing me out of my head. I blinked a few times, glancing at the freezer I had been rummaging through moments ago. It didn’t terrify me right now. In fact, there were a few choice things I wanted to do on that surface.

Slash cleared his throat, and my attention snapped back to him. “Killian, I need you to tell us what’s going on. I need you to be honest with us.”

I wanted to shrug, but then my men would worry more. Whenever I brushed off my outbursts, they thought I wasn’t dealing with shit. I wasn’t… but that wasn’t the point. There was no way to tell them I was crazier than I let on. That the minor freakout hadn’t been me at all. I didn’t know who it was or why it was terrified of Aeron’s carnal desires. But I wasn’t scared of him.

I was horny. Well, Daemon was.

So I did the next best thing. I lied. “I don’t know what’s going on.” I tried to tilt my head and blink in the way that innocent ole me used to, but it felt fake.

Slash shook his head, approaching and then crouching before me. He stared into my eyes, searching for answers. He wasn’t going to find any unless I switched with Dark or Daemon, but I didn’t feel like doing that. I squirmed under his gaze but remained silent. He placed a tender hand on my arm, “You’re going to have to do better than that. Do you think Aeron is going to hurt you?”

Aeron was pressed against the far wall by the stairs, regret lurking in his gaze. He had slowly backed up when I had run into Samael’s arms, and now my favorite cannibal was shaking like a leaf. His eyes were glassy, too. Fuck. I really was going to break him, wasn’t I? “Um—I did. I don’t know,” I lied again, gritting my teeth, trying to hide what was really on my mind. My body felt hot with need, my cock twitching in my pants, but if I pulled that 180 out loud, they’d just worry. I wouldn’t get fucked. They’d put me to bed or some shit. “Aeron told me he ate your ex-girlfriend.”

Well, that’s out there.

I hadn’t planned on saying that but the shocked expression on Slash’s face would have been funny if the situation wasn’t dire. Aeron shriveled farther into himself, his bottom lip trembling. Dark and Daemon wanted to crawl back into my studio apartment. I wanted other things. I could feel the urge to lick my lips again, my eyes flashing dark with desire. Fuck, I hadn’t meant to do that.

The fuck?

Just fucking tell them what’s going on, or you’re going to have a fucking panic attack and freak them all out.

I didn’t feel like I was going to panic. I stared at Aeron, then Slash, and then patted my hands on Samael’s arms in reassurance. I wasn’t going to break. Not this time. And it wasn’t just fake bravery I was trying to muster up. The emotions just weren’t… there. In the last few seconds, I had experienced fear and anger and now, it was just nothing. “I was just looking around.” How to make this believable?

You need help.

I wanted to growl at Daemon, but this wasn’t the time. If I needed help, it would only be to get rid of Dark and Daemon, and I wasn’t sure I was done with either one of them yet.

You don’t mean that.

K, what’s going on?

I could feel their discomfort but dismissed their concerns to focus on the task at hand. My men wanted answers, and I wanted to be fucked. Unfortunately, it would have to be in that order. “Then you came down, and I freaked, thinking you didn’t want me to see your lair.” I punctuated my sentence with a swift nod.

Samael chuckled behind him, one of those full-body ones that sent tingly signals shooting to my dick. I wished his hands would drop a little lower. “Killer, you’ve seen entirely too many movies. Aeron doesn’t have a lair, and even if he did, he’d probably want to fuck you on his butcher table. Which, if I’m not mistaken,” I followed Samael’s gaze to Aeron, “he still very much wants to do.”

This time I did lick my lips, remembering a few nights ago when I had finally gotten Samael to break and fuck me in his basement. I perked up, wiggling my ass in his lap, feeling his dick harden between my ass cheeks. At least someone was thinking about doing more than just talking down here.
