Page 70 of Ryker

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“No need. He’s… he’s right where he needs to be.” Chief Matthews hung up on me, leaving me a little more confused than before. Had Killian been right about his father, that the chief had let his own wife rot in a mental facility? Did Chief Matthews know about Killian’s diagnosis? Was that why he wanted his son away from all of this?

Or was there something more?

Another realization hit me as I peeled out of the hospital parking lot.

Those wounds were self-inflicted. Finn was both our lover and not in the same body. He had scarred himself to toy with us. Which meant that the ‘Finns’ that we had taken into custody were nothing more than decoys, brainwashed and bent to Finn’s will.

Finn wasn’t just an unknown or a threat to the way he lived. He was more than a fanboy, someone molding us to accept our demons in a way we had never embraced.

No, Finn was a goddamn terror. We might have been demons but he was Satan himself.


Dr. Lewis stared at me, his gaze flitting across my face as if trying to understand the man in his office. He wasn’t going to get far. Especially when I embodied and matched every sick and twisted fantasy my men wanted to play out. Samael and I had already indulged ourselves but I couldn’t wait to partake in one of Slash’s rituals. I hadn’t exactly gone about it right with Aeron. We needed to share a meal, possibly set up a date where I let him cook one of his masterpieces for me. I knew it would be fantastic. A roast? Or maybe a stew. No, no, no. Definitely curry.

The doctor cleared his throat as he gestured to the chair across from his desk. “You abandoned the contacts?” My goldish brown eyes had been a bit of a shock to everyone once I became fully seated in the driver’s seat. I ignored his question because it didn’t matter if I wore contacts or didn’t. All that matters is that I was in control and the rest of them were silent. Dr. Lewis understood and abandoned that line of questioning for a different one. “Ready to go home?”

I blew out a ragged sigh as I flopped into Dr. Lewis’ chair. He had been my primary doctor and I had put on the show of my goddamn life. “More than ready. I need some normalcy.”

“I’m sorry that it took so long but you understand that your men were just looking out for you, right?”

I managed a shrug. “Sure. They love me and I was a little out of my mind. Can you blame me, though? I was kidnapped and abused. A lot happened and I was just trying to cope.” I ran my fingers along the scars on my arm, playing into the part. Dr. Lewis needed to believe that this was a one-time thing, that I had fallen apart because of what I had suffered, not because I was crazy.

“I advise you to see a specialist or come back to me for another evaluation in a week or two to see how you’re feeling. Those are some nasty scars.”

“Oh. Most of them are from my boyfriend. We’re—it’s our thing, you know?” I grinned at how uneasy Dr. Lewis looked.

“Our 72-hour hold brought up a few worrying observations, but nothing we can hold you on. You are an autonomous adult but I would advise that you seek a specialist to put you on a treatment plan so something like this doesn’t happen again.” He cleared his throat as he slid a pamphlet my way. The smiling faces on the piece of cardstock told me that it would end up in the trash seconds after I walked out the front doors. “Oh, just one thing that I want you to be wary of. Your family has a lot of history of mental illness and I believe that has shaped the way you’ve approached a lot of things. Your men came in here wanting to protect you but there seems to be a bit of misinformation running around.”

“Like what?” I straightened up, intrigued for a brief moment.

“HMD isn’t hereditary. You might be predisposed to it based on genetic factors, but the disorder itself can’t be passed down. If there is something we haven’t caught in these past three days, it’s something else entirely.”

I tamed my grin to a small smile, trying to show that I was elated. Dr. Lewis fell for it, shoving the pamphlet at me before guiding me to the front door. As far as protocols went, leaving felt a little too easy. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that my men hadn’t filled out any paperwork so leaving any trace of my existence here would cause problems.

As soon as I was able, I dashed down the steps and threw my hands up into the air at my newfound freedom.

HMD wasn’t hereditary? Oh, I knew that. I had known that since my first year of college.

What the fuck is going on? Why aren’t you letting us roam? Killian always-

I cut him off with a bastard laugh. “Back in the box bitch. It’s my turn now.”
