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"They're quiet and nobody bothers you."

I smiled. Wolf understood me..

"What about you? What do you do to pass the time?"

"This is a rare moment of freedom. My work takes up most of my time. "

"That sounds lonely."

"It's better this way."

"Oh." Why do I feel disappointed?

"But I make time for things that interest me. And you interest me, Jasmine."

There was no mistaking the tone of desire in Wolf's voice, or the lust in those gray eyes. I decided to be bold. I downed the last of my latte and licked my lips. "Do you want to come to the museum with me?"

"I would love to."

We spent the day walking through the art museum. It was mostly empty, just the way I liked it. Wolf was intelligent and funny, and we talked about everything. It was easy being with him. I told him about growing up in foster care. He listened and didn't give me that sad, pitying look most people did. It was hard to explain, but for the first time in my life I felt like I fit with somebody.

As we wandered deeper into the museum, we found ourselves standing in front of Rodin's Gates of Hell. It was one of my favorite pieces, sensual and dangerous all at once. It was kind of like Wolf. I smiled at the thought as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I could feel the heat of his fingers on the sliver of skin between the waist of my leggings and my sweater.

"I know it’s the Gates of Hell, but I always thought I wanted to walk through those doors."

Wolf's grip on me tightened. "That's a dangerous wish." He whispered.

"Well, I've spent the day with a stranger I know nothing about. Maybe deep down inside, I like dangerous things."

"Maybe. But there are all kinds of dangerous."

"And what kind are you?"

"The kind that you probably have nightmares about."

His words sent a thrill through me."Maybe what you call nightmares, I call dreams."

He turned to face me. "Do you?"

I nodded. My heart raced,

His hand cupped my chin. "You shouldn't play with fire."

His lips crashed into mine. It was a fierce and possessive kiss. It left me breathless.When he broke the kiss, I stared at him. "What was that for?"

"To remind you."

"Of what?"

"You're mine.

"What? You barely know me." I tried to protest because this was crazy, but his fierce possessiveness turned me on. Nobody ever wanted me.

He leaned down, his lips brushing against my ear. "I know I want you, and now I have you. You're mine."

My heart raced as he took my hand and led me through the museum to a dim, secluded corner. A large stone sculpture hid us from view. This was insane, but I didn’t want it to stop.. With a forceful hand, he pushed me back against the rough stone wall, his fingers exploring every curve of my body. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"You can't fuck me here." I whispered. My words came out in a rush.
