Page 18 of Stage Smart

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Damn, this is… I can’t even think straight, but I never want it to end. She tastes like ecstasy, feels like a dream.

Our kisses grow fierce. Months of suppressed hunger surge out in an animalistic need to touch and consume every part of the other. She uses her grasp on my hair to wrench us together, again and again, her hips grazing mine and firing hot streaks with each collision. She seems just as insatiable, clutching and writhing to the rhythm of our violent lips and tongues until…

“Wait!” she gasps, pulling back.

Our heavy breathing fills the charged air around us. My heart still pounds scorching blood through my entire body. Her grip anchors us together.

“I… I’m sorry,” I say, not sure what I did wrong.

She frowns, and my fear dissolves when she brushes a soft kiss on my lips.

“No apologizing,” she says before straightening again, still on my lap.

Her fingers glide over my cheek as she searches my gaze.

“You have the prettiest eyes,” she whispers. “I’ve thought that since the first time I saw you that day Nash brought you to the studio.”

“Thanks?” I mumble, not sure where this is going. What just happened? What’s about to happen?

Her dejected sigh can’t be a good sign. Neither is the way she seems to fight herself before dropping her hand.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” she says quietly. “So long. I, uh, kind of fantasize about you… a lot.”

A pink tint spreads over her skin as her teeth sink into her lip.

Well, damn.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time, too,” I say. “And also fantasizing,” I add with a smile. Plenty of that.

She returns it, looking shy as she drags her fingertips along my jaw. Over my lips. Back into my hair for a light tug. It’s like she can’t stop touching me. She wants to stop, she just can’t. I know exactly how she feels. It’s why my palms are still running up and down her thighs in slow, steady strokes.

Is this really happening? Or am I actually asleep on the bus and Chad is about to wake me up with his weird morning mantra that’s supposed to… well, I don’t know, exactly.

“Today is the first day of today. Today is the first day of today.”

“I wondered if you did,” she says softly. “I hoped you felt the same way, but…”

But. No one likes “but” except after the phrase, we thought they were dead.

“I really like you, Val. Obviously,” she says with a nervous laugh.


“But this can’t happen.”

I brace through the blow. Apparently, expecting it did nothing to soothe the sting.

“Right. Yeah, of course,” I say. Somehow I even manage a weak smile. “You’re a huge celebrity, and I’m?—”

“An amazing human being anyone would be honored to date. Stop that,” she says with a hard look.

Now I’m really confused.

“You’re so special, Val. If anything, it’s me who doesn’t deserve you. I like you so much, it’s just …”

Did she take a class on how to shred a guy’s heart?

“Be sure to make it slow and painful. Drag it out as long as possible and include just enough false hope to make it especially soul-crushing.”
