Page 39 of Stage Smart

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“You’re with Jarvis,” a guard says dryly. Okay, I do skeptical but this guy nails it as he scans Chad’s pink polo shirt and khakis.

“Yes. I’m Chad Smith, the Administrative Talent Liaison for Reedweather Media vis a vis Sandeke Telecom. I’d give you my card but they’re gone.”

A hundred percent sure Chad’s business card wouldn’t get us out of this situation anyway.

“Great, so that means you both have security passes,” another guard says. The way he’s looking at our chests means he’s noticed we don’t have those.

“Yes. And we do,” I reply as calmly as possible. “It’s just, I left mine in Jarvis’ dressing room and?—”

“I thought you said you’re Larinda’s producer,” the man says, crossing his arms.

“I am, but?—”

“It was for the Smile Surprise photo campaign,” Chad explains. “Well, and for the report, but mostly the campaign. We haven’t decided whether to include images in the reports,” he whispers to me.

I fire a hard return look and silently beg him to stop “helping.” He winks.

“Media aren’t allowed back here. No one is without a pass. Let’s move.”

They grab our arms and drag us in the opposite direction of where I need to go.

“I’m telling the truth!” I say, tugging against their grip. “Call Larinda. Steve, Bruce—anyone! They’ll tell you.”

“We don’t have to. That’s why there are passes.”

“Yeah, but?—”

He jerks me forward, and I try to rip my arm away. All hope of a brazen escape fades when someone grabs my other side.

Shit shit shit!

“Let go of me!”

“We’ve got a situation in corridor E,” the third says into an earpiece.

A situation?!

“OMG. We’re getting arrested,” Chad whisper-shouts.

How is he happy about this?!

“I’m telling the truth!” I say. “We’re part of the crew. We have bunks on the?—”

“Shut your mouth or we’ll shut it for you.”

Would he? I can’t tell but he definitely stole that line from page two of the training manual for fictional mobsters.

Fear and anger course through me as they lead us to an empty room at the end of the hall. Panic joins the mix when they force us inside. Can they do this? Don’t they need a warrant or something? I want to see that manual.

“You’ll wait here until we sort this out,” one of them barks.

The other one is still talking into his earpiece. “Yeah, we got two for trespassing. Maybe one for assault and attempted kidnapping.”


“Yeah, call them in. The tall one is being difficult. Blond one is cooperating. We’ve got the suspects in the northeast holding tank.”

What is happening right now?
