Page 67 of Stage Smart

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“We think it means this engagement is part of some bigger plan,” Val says. “We don’t know what it is yet, but we do know you breaking it off is a big phase of it. He wants you to break up with him, Larinda. He may have proposed for this very purpose.”

My world spins for a second. The lights, the air, time itself—it’s all hazy as those words settle around me. He wants me to break up with him? He forced this proposal I didn’t want just so he could hurt me with it? What kind of monster would do something like that?!

The kind that cares about no one but himself. The kind that would bully subordinates because he can. The kind that would… wait.

I stiffen and twist back to Val.

“The green room,” I say, meeting his gaze. “That’s why you said all that stuff. You were trying to prevent me from calling off the engagement because of this threat.”

He looks down, and my heart breaks at the pain on his face.

“Val,” I breathe out.

“Of course I didn’t want to lose you,” he says. “Hurting you fucking gutted me. I just didn’t know what else to do.”

Oh my gosh.

I jump to my feet and pull him against me. His arms fold around me, and I burrow close, determined never to let go again.

“And I feel the same way,” he says softly against my hair. “You don’t have to wait for anything.”

Relief and joy explode inside me. He read it! He read the letter and accepted it. Emotion lodges in my throat as I hug him tighter.

I love you. So, so much.

And I don’t even have to say it because I already did. There’s a lot more to tell him, but maybe not with an audience.

Nash and Paige don’t seem as horrified as I expect when I glance at them, however. Paige is tucked against Nash in a similarly protective embrace and their smiles give me hope that our fairy tale could have a happy ending somehow.

“So what’s next?” I ask, turning in Val’s arms so my back is to his front. He starts to pull away, and I grab his wrists to lock them across my chest. His soft laugh at my possessive move sends all kinds of warm fizzles through me.

He’ll be lucky if I ever let him go again.

“Next we find out the rest of his evil plan,” Nash says.

“Any ideas on how to do that?” Paige asks.

“I do,” Val says, and I tilt my head back to him. He kisses my forehead, which sorta makes me melt. “I’ll work Chad. He brags about how involved he is in Jarvis’ activities. He might know something.”

“Chad?!” Paige and Nash say in unison.

“Bet he was thrilled to see you,” Val says to Nash in a dry tone.

“Chad isn’t exactly a fan of mine,” Nash replies. “You should do your best to underplay your friendship with me.”

“He said you’re a terrible spy.”

“He’s right,” Paige quips. “Love you,” she sings at his wry look.

Nash rolls his eyes.

“And in the meantime, I guess I’m staying engaged?” I say.

Val deflates behind me, and I lace my fingers with his in reassurance.

“I don’t like the idea of him touching you,” he mumbles.

“I don’t either, which is why if he tries, he’s getting an elbow instead,” I say matter-of-factly. “You, on the other hand…”
