Page 13 of Encore with the CEO

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“Um, you had a date with Knox St. James last night and you were supposed to call me and tell me all about it.”

“What do you think I’m doing, Gillian?” I laugh at her gasp. “Yes, I did have a date last night it just went really late. I know not to call you and wake up Archer in the middle of the night. He might take it out on his fantastic personal assistant.”

“He wouldn’t dare.” I hear Archer say something in the background that makes Gillian laugh. “So, did it go well?”

That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? I would have said yes, until I woke up this morning alone. I’m starting to believe that Knox and I are just meant to be star-crossed lovers. Yesterday, waking up alone would have broken me, but this morning, after last night’s conversation, I’m okay. The fact that I’m chewing on my thumbnail, something I haven’t done since college, means nothing. Definitely not that I’m unsure about if I can be without Knox and stay in Star Mountain.

“It had some ups and downs, but I think we finally broke through some things about what happened in the past and both took accountability for things we did.”

“That’s great, Scarlett.” Gillian’s voice is so happy, she really is one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. “What does that mean for the future?”

“I don’t really know. He, um, wasn’t here this morning when I woke up and I think that’s a bad sign for continuing to see him.”

“He stayed the night?” Gillian yells. Then continues, whispering, “Did the two of you do the horizontal mambo? Was it good? I bet it was good. He looks like he knows what he’s doing. You said it was good the other day in your?—”

There’s a commotion on the other end of the phone and then the voice of my boss comes through, “Scarlett, I’m happy that you and Gillian are so close, but please refrain from talking to her about other men and their abilities. I would really hate to have to fire you and train a new assistant.”

“She brought it up, Archer. I was talking about my feelings. It’s your wife that’s the horndog.”

“Don’t I know it,” he says before hanging up.

I’m smiling as I finish getting ready to run errands. My love life is a disaster, but I have a good job and the best friends. Settling the past with Knox can only help both of us move on whether with each other or someone else, even if the idea of him with someone else makes me feel sick.




I panicked and I don’t know how to fix it. When I woke up next to Scarlett, I thought about how hard it would be to live in the same town as her, but not be with her. I’m a grown man with obligations to my family and my company, but neither of those mean anything if I can’t have her.

My hallway is lined with family photos as I walk toward my front door with a bag packed to leave town. One day it will have photos of my wife and our children. Will those photos include Scarlett?

I’m being a coward, but I can’t think straight here. I don’t plan on being gone long and promised my family in our group chat to stay in contact, but I need to figure out my next step. Just thinking about Scarlett makes my heart race and being near her causes the rational side of me to flee. It’s not her fault at all and I have to get my head on straight, so I don’t hurt her.

A pounding on the door startles me. My brothers are giving me space and Clara already expressed all her feelings about my plan.

Could it be Scarlett?

My heart beats faster as I run to the door in the hopes that it’s her. The disappointment that courses through me when I see Archer Huxley on the other side of the door physically hurts. It’s not her.

“We need to talk, St. James,” he says as he lets himself into my house.

“Come on in.” Sarcasm drips from my words, but Archer just raises an eyebrow and walks to my living room, making himself comfortable on the couch.

“It’s about Scarlett.”

I start to talk, but the other man holds up his hand to stop me.

He continues, “You know I’m her boss and she’s best friends with my wife. I think of her as a little sister, and I feel it’s my job to protect her. I didn’t know when I asked her to move here that she had this whole history in Star Mountain. I need to know that you’re going to leave her alone.”

“Whoa, you think you can come into my house and tell me to leave my woman alone? Who the fuck do you think you are?” My palms sweat as my fists ball up. I don’t want to punch Scarlett’s boss, but I will if he gets between us.

“Someone who actually cares about her and hates to see her hurting. I don’t want to see her used by you for fun or some sick twisted revenge for what happened when you were young and you were left with a broken heart.”

His words hit like a punch in the gut, and I fall into my chair. I’d never do that to Scarlett on purpose, but isn’t that what I’ve been doing with my actions? I still love this woman as much as I ever did and I’m making her miserable.

“I don’t want to hurt her. I never wanted to hurt her, man.”
