Page 15 of Encore with the CEO

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“How’s it going between you and Knox?” Gillian asks as we eat lunch.

“Good,” I answer, not giving her anything else. She wants a full run down, but I don’t know how much I want to share. Things are good, but so complicated.

“Just good?”

“Yeah, we went to dinner and a movie last night. He walked me to the door, kissed me goodnight and then sent me a good morning text today.” It all sounds so high school, but I think it’s romantic.

“Um, that’s it?” Gillian looks disappointed, taking some of the shine off my happiness.

“Gillian, I told you we are taking things slow and working on things. Part of that is putting a pause on the physical part of the relationship.” We also saw Knox’s therapist together and she recommended a good couple’s therapist.

I thought it would be strange to start a relationship in therapy, but this isn’t our beginning and we both agreed that to get through the things that happened before we might need a little extra help. The fact that he’s willing to do that with me is huge. Our relationship is complicated by our past, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a spectacular future.

“I know and I think it’s great. I just thought after a couple of weeks the two of you would have caved.”

“Well, it’s not easy to let him go at the end of the night and our goodbyes have definitely gotten longer, but we agreed.” When he drops me off, my heart pounds wondering if this will be it, but every time he’s been a gentleman. It is getting frustrating.

“Okay, what’s next for the two of you?” Gillian knows I want to stop talking about this, but she’s like a dog with a bone.

“Dinner with his family.” The one thing I’m not sure if I can do.

“Well, that will be easy. The St. James family is amazing.”

“Maybe to everyone else but not me. I am enemy number one in that family, and I think it’s going to be a nightmare. Knox promises that everyone is okay with us being together again and it will be great, but I know for a fact his mother hates me. If I see her in town she looks the other way. His brothers say hi, Clara is friendly and so is his sister-in-law. I don’t think I’ve ever seen his dad in town.”

“They will be on their best behavior.” Gillian looks so confident, but she’s so wrong. “They will love you because Knox loves you.”

I really, really hope she’s right.

Two nights later we are at the door to his parents’ house, and my stomach rides waves like I’m going to throw up. I haven’t eaten all day and won’t be able to keep anything down at this dinner. I shiver with nerves as Knox pulls me into his arms.

“Scarlett, it’s going to be fine. I don’t know why you are so worked up.” He kisses my forehead and hugs me tight.

“She hates me. She should hate me.” I don’t blame his mom for disliking me. Knox has told me more about what he was like after I left. He drank, fought, got in trouble with the law. It was a really bad time for him, and I don’t know if I could forgive me if I was his mother.

“I’m fine, baby. I’ve been fine for a long time. Everything I did back then was on me, you are not responsible for my reaction to something. I’m the one that behaved like a jackass. If she wants to blame someone all these years later, she needs to blame me for being an immature asshole.” He moves from kisses on my forehead to my lips. “What happened is in the past and we can’t change it. You and me, we are good and that’s all that matters. If my mom is still mad then she can work through that because you aren’t going anywhere. You are it for me. I love you.”

God, this man.

“I love you too, Knox. Just please hold me hand.”

He grabs my hand. “I’m not gonna let you go.”

The door opens as we stare into each other’s eyes.

“Quit making out with your girlfriend and come inside, Knox.” Hunter the youngest St. James brother says as he opens the door.

“Dickhead,” Knox murmurs as we walk by him.

Hunter laughs it off. “Hi, Scarlett, I’m Hunter. I don’t know if you remember me. I was young the last time you saw me.”

“I do remember you. You were adorable.” I smile remembering.

He was such a sweet kid. He always had an animal he was taking care of. He’s gorgeous just like all the St. James men and I’ve heard he’s the town veterinarian now.

“Still am.” His smile reveals a dimple that must drive the women of Star Mountain wild.
