Page 113 of Heart of Gold

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“What?” my dad asks, his eyes filling with tears.

“No, you can’t. It’s too much,” Mom says, tears already streaming down her face.

“Look at what you made,” I say, sweeping my arms around the taproom that holds so many memories. All of my brothers look at their partners with love because they remember too.

“It’s ours now. All ours.”

My parents hug each of us, and all of our cheeks are wet. Dan offers to take a picture of all of us in front of our logo on the wall.

“I had this made,” Makenna says, pulling out a sign.

My mom crumples all over again.

The sign says, “We made this, and now we own this.”

We surround my parents as Dan takes our picture to commemorate this day. Jackson and Shiloh stand on one side, excited to get married and grow their family beyond multiple fur babies. Cam, holding his daughter, who giggles as she touches his beard, stands next to Annie. Reid, happy and childfree with Whitney, the best uncle and aunt a mother could ask for.

It’s not only the day where Max and I take one step closer to being the family we always wanted to be. It’s the day that the Finches triumphed, that we rose from the ashes to make the phoenix of my dad’s dream come true.

All of my brothers are in love and happy. My love came back to me.

We own Woody Finch Brewery completely.

My family is whole.

I can’t help but smile through the happy tears.

