Page 14 of Intercept

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She snorted. "No. I had drinks with Bec and Ashley. They mentioned their partners were having a night out too."

"Big night, huh?" I grinned. "Explains why you look so tired."

Anyone else would have laughed. They'd have taken it as the joke it was intended to be.

Grace though, she glared right at me like I said something wrong. She opened her mouth and I was ninety percent sure she was about to tell me to fuck off.

She closed her mouth so abruptly her teeth clicked. She kept them gritted and said, "People would have been watching your every move last night. Not me. People like tabloid reporters and people with phones and social media accounts who want to go viral."

"John and Vera don't allow that kind of shit at Waves," I said firmly. "That's why we went there."

"What they allow and what actually happens aren't always the same thing," Grace pointed out. She sighed. "I can only assume by the lack of media storm, nothing bad happened."

"Just guys drinking and razzing each other out," I said. "I was on my best behaviour the whole time. Scout's honour, or whatever scouts say." I held up two fingers, then added another one, just in case that's how they did it.

She didn't look impressed. "I'm pretty sure you have to be a scout to say that." She propped her elbow on the desk.

I shrugged one shoulder. "Whatever." It was bad enough feeling like I was reporting to my mother. "You gonna put me on curfew next?" I shouldn't give her ideas.

I swear she almost said yes. I saw the cogs and wheels in her brain turning over.

"I don't think that's necessary," she said slowly. She sagged a little and pulled her elbow in against herself. "I don't want to give you a hard time here. I just want to help you to repair your reputation. Kids look up to you. You want that, right? You want to be the guy they want to be like when they grow up?"

I shifted in my chair. When she put it like that, it seemed like a lot of responsibility. Maybe I wasn't role model material.

Oh, to hell with that, of course I was. I was practically the poster child for where hard work can get you.

"Yeah, I wanna be that guy," I said firmly. "I am that guy, in spite of what that jerk in the bar said."

"The jerk in the bar didn't need to say anything," she said coolly. "The video speaks louder than him. Louder than you. That's the problem with videos, and the internet. Once they're up there…"

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes. "They're up there forever. I know. What's the big deal anyway? It's not like I shot a porno of me and some woman." I could have, though; some of them had offered. Insisted even. I might not always have the greatest judgement in the world, but I knew helping them get famous like that was a really bad idea. Also I didn't need the world to watch me having sex. I'm certain I look good doing it, but it was private.

"Please tell me you're not going to do that." Grace rubbed her forehead with her fingertips.

"I pinky swear I won't," I said. "Only way that would happen is without my knowledge." I gave her a steady look. "You're not gonna tell me I can't have sex, are you?"

From her expression, she hadn't thought of that.


I really needed to quit giving her ideas.

"I think that might be above my pay grade," she said finally.

"No shit," I replied. "My sex life is my business and no one else's."

"Having sex alone certainly means less chance of anyone filming you without you knowing," she said, a smirk on her lips.

"Hey," I said in protest. "I didn't mean I was alone. I just meant… I don't need to do it alone, there's plenty of women…" I was stammering. My face started to feel hot.

"Yeah, I get it," she said quickly. "I don't need to know the details, just be sure it doesn't end up on the net."

I had the distinct impression she thought less of me for some reason. Was it my fault women found me irresistible? No, it wasn't. I went about my daily life and they approached me. Or I approached them. Either way, I wasn't going to disappoint them, if I could help it.

"I'll do my best," I muttered. A slow smile crossed my face. "I always do."

She grimaced. "Like I said, I don't need to know the details. What we really need to talk about is a plan for the way forward."
