Page 52 of Intercept

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Personally, I wouldn't have minded an excuse to have bacon, but if I ate any, I'd have to work out longer later.

"I have vanilla or strawberry yoghurt," I pulled one out of the fridge.

"Uh, either is fine," she replied, her chin almost on her chest.

"Let's go with strawberry then." I gave her a long look, then started spooning out globs of yoghurt, which was thick with fruit.

I passed hers over, then poured us both coffee.

"Um, are you okay?" I asked, when I couldn't hold myself back any longer. "You're not regretting anything, are you?" I sure as hell wasn't. I could get used to having her around.

Having her here felt…right.

She didn't answer right away. Oh crap, that wasn't a good sign. I felt my heart start to sink through the floor.

Finally she said, "I don't know. I mean, we're supposed to be working together. This might complicate things."

"Yeah, I guess it could." I hadn't thought about that. Truthfully, I hadn't been thinking about a whole lot of anything. Last night was about two consenting adults doing what they do when they're feeling the same vibe.

At least, that was what I thought was going on. I made sure every moment that she was comfortable and enjoying herself. Unless I completely lost my touch, and my ability to read the room, she had fun too.

"It doesn't have to complicate things though, right?" I asked. "I mean, we're grown ups." I gave her one of my best lopsided smiles. "At least, you're a grown up. I'm still workin' on it."

She snorted. "Yeah. I don't know if I am. Adulting is overrated."

"See, that's what I keep telling the guys. They keep asking when I'll get mature, and I ask why I'd even want to. Hawk's grown up enough for the rest of us. I just want to go on havin' fun."

"Fun," she echoed. "Yes, it's good to do that sometimes. As long as everyone knows when it's fun and when it's something more."

She was trying to get at something, but I wasn't sure what.

"If it's not fun, then it's not worth doing," I said. The smile was still on my face, although I was almost sure I was digging a hole for myself.

"That's true," she said. "But life can't always be fun. We have to be serious once in a while."

"Yeah, but not too often," I agreed. I was beginning to think we were having two different conversations. "Is your breakfast okay?" I noticed she hadn't touched any of it. "I can still cook some bacon?"

"No," she said quickly. "I mean, this is fine." She ate a mouthful, but then placed her spoon back down in her bowl. "I'm just not that hungry this morning."

"Oh. Okay. It happens." I was starving, so I dug into mine and ate it all in about a minute flat.

"Try the coffee." I nodded toward her cup. If she didn't like that, then maybe she was sick or something. Should I call an ambulance? I didn't think it was anything that serious. She could just be tired. It was a long, vigorous night we had last night. I was a bit tired myself. Once I had that thought, I couldn't keep a yawn in.

Grace set her bowl aside and took a sip. Her cute slurpy sound made me smile.

Did she do anything that wasn't cute?

Oh yeah, I was smitten. I was done fighting it. Bam Clinton, player, lover, bachelor, had feelings way beyond lust or friendship. For better or worse, I was ready to embrace it.

Only— I wondered if she was into me at all. She seemed so distant, so closed off. I had no idea what she was thinking or feeling. Okay, she was a woman, that was normal, more or less, but she was harder to read than most. Or maybe I never tried before.

I wanted to try now. I really did, but did she?

Just because we had sex didn't mean she wanted to be more than friends.

Come to think of it, it didn't even mean she wanted to be friends at all.

"Nice coffee," she said.
