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Grunting, I pulled to a stop and got out of the car. Riker was quick to get to my side, looking all around us. With my palm to his lower back, I guided him inside and down the hall toward the common room where Spade’d be waiting. I could already hear the low bass of the music so no doubt Riker would too.

It was then I realized things could go wrong.

I didn’t have to worry about the old ladies. None of them would make a move on Riker or, more importantly, me in front of Riker.

How-fucking-ever, we had women here that we called club bunnies. They only dropped by to party and fuck.

They liked trying to get into my bed since I was the president. A lot of them hoped they’d be the one to tie me down so I’d put a ring on their finger.

They were about to learn things had changed and they wouldn’t be happy.

We had some good ones, sweet ones even. But there were a couple of real bitches who tried to lord over all the other women there. Those types were never something I was into.

I’d preferred the sweet and good ones.

And yet, I had my own type of wild and sweet now.

Guess I’d soon see how things would go down. I always liked a challenge anyway.



Corbin opened the door where the party was happening. There were about thirty people hanging about. Men and women of all types. Some were chilling and chatting while drinking. Others played billiards and smoked. And then there were the men fucking women out in the open. They also weren’t picky about which hole they took. There were only a few, but enough that was distracting.

Which was why I didn’t see the woman getting close until she was at Corbin’s other side.

For a quick moment, he stopped and stilled when she curled her hands around his upper arm.

But what shot a rush of giddiness into my body was when he shook her off.

I wanted to pat his cock and tell her mine and then praise him for brushing off her touch by dropping to my knees and sucking him off again.

Maybe I should breathe in her face and ask her if she could smell his cum.

“Razor.” She pouted up at him.

Only I could pout at Corbin.

Dancing around his back, I slipped in between him and her.

Her gaze flicked over me and swept up to Razor with a sneer. “Who the fuck is this?”

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked, and since her attention didn’t even come back to me, I took a step closer. When it snapped down on me, I smiled, running my tongue over my top teeth. She was taller than me. Some might say prettier. She was also the type who thought her position was at the top among the men. It was easily read in the way she held herself.

Where were my knives when I needed them? Oh, right. Not here. I wanted to slice off her hands for touching him. What would also be fun was if I could shove a grenade in her mouth and watch her head explode for even looking at my mate with lust.

Walking around her, I offered, “From now on, you’ll want to rethink when it comes to the president. He’s not to be touched, and no one even thinks they can sleep with him. You may talk to him, but from far away. Do you understand me?”

She laughed, but it was tight with tension. Good. I had her full attention as she watched me circle around and around her.

“You’ve got to be joking.”

At least, as I sized up my prey, I noticed we hadn’t caught everyone’s attention. Only some. Though, the women who were looking weren’t coming to the aid of their friend. Or maybe this piece didn’t have any friends. I wouldn’t be surprised.

“I’m not joking, doll.” I stopped just behind her and whispered into her ear, “This will be your only warning. You don’t know me, so you shouldn’t even try guessing if you can take me on or have Razor take your side. He won’t. He’s mine now, and if I even smell you close to him, I will cut your pretty little head off.” A low growl rolled out of me.

She’d tensed, and the amazing aroma of fear wafted off her.
