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Corbin’s arms tightened around. His chin brushed over my hair. “What’s this, sunshine?”

I shook my head.

I couldn’t say it. I wouldn’t.

But I had to.

He needed to hear it. He needed to understand that he meant so much to me.

“I never thought I could have something so precious, so special because of the things I’ve done, because my family never wanted me. They hated me. They showed me that hate through harsh words and punishments that messed with my mind. Torture that continued daily until I was six. That’s when I killed them all. And for ending their lives, I thought I wouldn’t be lucky enough to have my very own fated mate. Someone who would be just for me. A person who would see me as me and accept everything I am now. When my brothers met their fated, I hoped and hoped and hoped. Then you walked into my life. I know we might fight. I know things won’t be perfect, but to me, they already are because you’re here.”

I fisted my hands into his tee, under his vest, and pushed my face into his neck.

A trickle of fear raced through my veins at the thought of Corbin shoving me aside after learning I killed the family I’d been born to.

I wouldn’t do it to the one I had now. I loved them. They loved me. But most of all, I loved my mate with my whole being.

His arms loosened from around me, his hands ran up my back, and he threaded some fingers through my hair.

With a tug, my head was away from his chest, and I blinked up at him.

“There’s no one left to kill in your family?” he asked, low and harsh. The anger burning within him had my heart racing.

Mom sniffed off to the side.

Deacon grunted.

“No one,” I told him.

His jaw ticked. “Know you can take care of yourself, sunshine, but know that from now on, I’ll have your back. No one will get to you through me. You call me comin’ into your life a gift and somethin’ precious when it’s the other way around. My life was dull compared to the night I swept you outta that place, and you graced me with your color. I ain’t givin’ that up for anythin’.” He tugged me closer, nose to nose. As I exhaled, he added, “Nothin’ you’ve done in the past will change this for me. And we’ll work on our future together to make sure we have as much time with each other as possible.”

My stomach fluttered. “Corbin,” I whispered, trying to control the burst of devotion inside me as I glided my palms up his chest.

His gaze flicked to my family while he said, “Thanks for the offer of dinner, but I’m changin’ our minds, we’ll do it another time.” His attention went back to me. “Go pack, sunshine. I wanna get goin’.”

Nox snorted, clearly reading what I already had with his luscious scent of arousal.

He didn’t care my family was there witnessing this. He drew me in and kissed me. I opened up to him, needing his taste. His tongue slid, swiped, and tussled with mine.

A whimper escaped me, and someone cleared their throat.

Corbin pulled away and glared to the left for a moment before his attention was on me again.

He squeezed me to him, and ordered, “Pack your shit.”

Grinning, I nodded. “You got it, Sir.” I slipped off his lap and skipped out of the room quickly because I had a feeling our bond would be completed at his house.




I’d watched Riker leave with a smile in place. I had to keep a lock on the fury pushing at me to hunt down the graves, to piss on them, of those who tormented him when he was a kid. Pride had settled under my ribs at knowing he killed them all, but I couldn’t help the annoyance that there was no one left for me to take on.

Hell, I couldn’t even be pissed at the brothers he now had since, under Ruth’s watch, they’d accepted him, cared for him, and watched over him.

Although, the anger over them shooting and stabbing Riker easily surfaced. I hated the thought of anything harming him. Even if he could heal better than humans.
