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Tell us both, Dash, Ruth sent through.

I didn’t dare think of anything in case he could pick up on it.

I’m the outside assistance for the brothers. I’ve removed the foe surrounding the building. Deacon says Riker is close to losing himself because the men inside hold at least twenty young ones who they were going to sell.

My upper lip rose, gut knotting. Fucking hell.

Dash nodded, and I caught a glimpse of his pointed ears when his long black hair moved in the breeze.

You need to get in there, he continued. Calm your mate before he slaughters everyone in front of those poor young ones. Get the children out, and then let the shifters have their fun. I’ll stay out here for the little ones and make sure no more trouble comes.

Thank you, Dash. Ruth patted his arm and turned to me. She pointed to a window and moved off. I nodded my thanks to the elf and followed quickly.

At the window, we stood on either side of it. Ruth took a quick look around before she jimmied the lock with a pocketknife she’d pulled from her pocket. Pausing, she frowned, and put the blade away. She pushed the window open with a shake of her head.

It hadn’t even been locked. These idiots’ mistakes were to our advantage.

I needed to get in there. I had to be near Riker.

Ruth slipped into the room first. She made it look easy, but she was smaller than me.

With a grunt, I lifted myself into an office. The room had drywall that went up from floor to waist height. The rest was made of glass. More offices lay to the left and right, and across from all rooms was a long hallway. Light from small glass panels at the top of the hallway lit the way. On the other side of the hallway wall was the room where the voices came from.

We sneaked out of the room, and I screwed up my nose from the mold smell permeating the air. The offices appeared unused and more like a storage area. Papers, bookshelves, and desks filled the rooms, but all held a thick layer of dust.

At the door leading out, Ruth pressed close and listened for a few moments before she opened it just a crack.

Voices grew louder.

“Like we’ve said a million times, leave without the children and you’ll escape unharmed,” Deacon called.

“That’s not happening, motherfucker.”

A child whimpered.

“Don’t hurt her. Don’t hurt her. Don’t hurt her,” Riker chanted.


“Shut him the fuck up,” roared an unfamiliar voice.

“You just need to leave, and no one dies.” That didn’t come from one of the brothers.

There was a snort, and then it was Nox saying, “Do you need us to use ASL to sign the same fucking words to you? We’re not leaving without the kids.”

Another whimper before the growling started.

“Riker. Still.”

I pressed a hand to Ruth’s back while she peered through the doorway. After a nod, she slipped through and I followed. Boxes were stacked across from the door we’d just come from, creating the perfect barrier that left us undetected. Free to go left or right, I studied both. Either could lead us into the open area of the warehouse.

We needed to split up.

Tapping Ruth’s shoulder, I pointed to the left and waved her off to the right. Ruth shook her head and glared. I waved my gun around to remind her I would be safe from a bunch of fucking gang members.

Her lips thinned, and then she finally nodded.
