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“What the fuck?” someone muttered.

Another snorted. “I ain’t afraid of a tiny homo.”

“You’d be a fuckin’ fool then,” Spade said, which made me like the guy that little bit more. I hoped he went to Soren’s other club. Not the one that Corbin met me at, but the one on the card. His sexy-time club. Soren would blow Spade’s mind, which he deserved after having my back. I’d have to tell Soren to be extra attentive to him.

Corbin tensed, dropped his hold on me and turned to the room. “Spade, call all brothers in. I’m gonna sit the fuck down and eat breakfast, and then, we’re all gonna have a word.”

“You got it, Prez.” Spade got his phone out and walked from the room while typing away.

My mate ignored the fools who’d said something and came for me, gripping the back of my neck and leading us back to where I’d been sitting. He pulled out a chair, sat, and tugged me down onto his lap.


I dragged my attention away from glaring around the room to him. “Yes?” I asked, smiling sweetly.

“Feed me, boy.”

A shiver rolled through me. “Okay,” I whispered, dragging the tray over. I scowled down at the cold food and drink. “You need warm stuff.”

“You got it for me. I’ll eat it.”

“Can I get you more? Please?”

Grinning, he pulled me against him and kissed me. “If it makes you happy, go for it.”

I jumped up from his lap and picked up the tray. “Won’t be long.” I walked into the kitchen and saw Legless still cooking at the stove. He’d helped me before, so I was sure he’d give me more. I emptied the cold stuff in the bin and went over to stand beside him.

He did a double take when he noticed me. “Didn’t you eat enough before?”

“This is for Corbin. His stuff went cold because he was dealing with business. By the way, they’ll be a meeting soon to talk about Writer who was stealing from the club.” I froze, except for my eyes widening. “I’m not sure if I was supposed to say that.”

Legless chuckled. “Relax, kid. I heard the yellin’ all the way in here.”

“Oh. Okay.” I smiled as he grabbed me a clean plate and placed some bacon and eggs on there. “The meeting will also be about Corbin and me. I don’t think he likes some of his men saying stuff about him and me together. I mean, I know it’s hard to accept for some people, but I just can’t understand why, in this day and age, people can’t just let others love who they want. It’s not harming them. Okay, maybe we need to keep the touching and kissing to the bedroom so it’s not in their faces, but can’t they be happy for their boss?” I cocked my head to the side and looked at Legless instead of the food he’d put on the tray I held. “Unless you don’t like same-sex relationships? Are me and Corbin going to be a problem for you?” I lifted the tray and sniffed the food. I didn’t scent any poison.

“What are you doin’?”

“Smelling for poison.”

“You can smell that?”

“Yes.” There was no tang to this meal.

He snorted. “To answer your question, and so you don’t have to check all the food I cook, I don’t give a shit who’s in who. Happiness is the key to life, kid. You and the prez have found it. A lotta the brothers can see the change in the prez and think it’s damn awesome. Gotta make sure to keep what you two are creatin’, and fuck anyone who says otherwise. Kiss, hug, and hell, fuck in front of anyone you want. This is Razor’s place. He runs it. He brought most of us in, so he can do what he wants. They’ll only be a few who don’t like seein’ anythin’, but all they gotta do is look or walk the other way.” He huffed. “I’d be pissed too if the people I trusted spoke shit to my partner.”

“You’re a nice guy, Legless.”

He chuckled. “Kid, it’s Reckless.”

Oops. “Sorry,” I offered with a grin.

“All good. Go get a cuppa joe for the prez.”

“Will do. And you let me know if you need anyone killed. I’ll do it.” I balanced the tray on one hand and patted his arm before I went to the coffee machine and got a mug of hot coffee for my mate.

I took the tray out into the common room, which was fuller than before, and sat back on Corbin’s lap. Though, he was now surrounded by others.

He tucked me close and kissed my shoulder. “Thanks, sunshine.”
