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“Uh oh, Super Squish. Shit’s about to get real,” I said, grinning at him.

“About this doctor that did your procedure. I’ve run into nothing but dead ends. If you can give me a description of him, I can see if that helps jog people’s memories. People have heard of him, but no one knows details,” he said.

“What about the police?” I asked.

“We should talk to Adrik about that. He’s close with the police commissioner. He should be able to get us the information this unit has on this guy, but they’re going to want that description in exchange.” He thought for a moment, looking at me. “We can do things the police can’t, princess, but they don’t give up information for free. They need to still feel important,” he said, chuckling.

I nodded in understanding. “Have you talked to any prostitutes or their pimps? I’m almost certain that’s how my uncle knew about this guy. I think he mostly does abortions for prostitutes. My uncle’s friend that knew about the doctor was a pimp. He would come to the house occasionally, but I would always leave when he was there. He gave me the creeps.”

“Do you remember that guy’s name? We might be able to find him,” Ivan asked. He reached up with his previously bandaged arm to run his hand over his goatee like his arm hadn’t been in a sling for weeks.

“Only his street name. His girls used to call him Chucky and that’s all I ever heard my uncle call him. I don’t think that was his real name though,” I said.

“It’s a start,” he said. “Are you sure you’re up for talking to the police about this?”

I looked down, my hands starting to fidget in my lap. I thought for a moment, then looked back up at his concerned face. “I can do it if it means finding this guy. There’s no telling what else he’s done to other people.” I paused, then added, “But you guys are gonna have to go with me. I might not be able to avoid screwing up Adrik’s schedule that day.”

“His schedule is the least of his worries when it comes to you, princess. He’s going to be mad at us for not bringing you to his office today once he finds out. He’s told us all before, nothing else matters without you.”

“Shut up.”

He thought for a moment. “I think the first time he told us that was when we were at the ranch house in Italy. When you were passed out and he couldn’t leave you or you’d get sucked back into your nightmare. I went into the room the morning we were supposed to leave and told him we’d all decided we couldn’t leave. He agreed and said nothing was more important than you. His empire is replaceable, princess. You are not.”

I sat, somewhat stunned, for a moment. I didn’t know how to respond. Luckily, Misha came into the penthouse and saved me from having to.

“Gazelle, are you hungry yet? Because I’m starving and we can’t decide what to get for lunch, so you’re the deciding vote,” Misha said, his broad smile stretched across his face. He sat down next to me, his arm around my shoulders.

“What are the choices? Do any of them involve a burrito the size of my head? Because if they do, that’s what gets my vote,” I said.

He leaned over, kissing my cheek, “This is why you’re the best, Sephie. Be back shortly with a burrito the size of your head.” My stomach growled loud enough for them to hear. They both looked at me, pretending to be shocked.

“What? Sometimes my stomach feels neglected and needs to be included in the conversation. She has a mind of her own,” I said, laughing.

Everyone came to the penthouse for lunch, including Adrik. I wasn’t expecting him to have a break in his day. He clearly enjoyed my excitement to see him, holding me in front of him long enough to calm down, so the guys wouldn’t also see how much he enjoyed my excitement.

He looked down at me, concern plainly in his eyes, “What’s this about you going to the police, solnishko? Are you sure you want to do that?”

I chewed on my bottom lip, but nodded. “Ivan thinks it would be helpful to get the information the police have on that guy. It might help find him. Apparently, nobody else can remember what he looks like, but I can clearly remember his face.” I shuddered again, seeing his face flash in my memory. Adrik pulled me closer, feeling it.

“I’ll call the commissioner this afternoon and find out what he knows about this police unit that’s trying to find the doctor. We can have them come here. I don’t like the idea of you going to a police station,” he said, kissing my forehead.

I heard Viktor’s deep voice behind us. “That’s a better idea. You’re going to need to be there with her, Boss. We had to rush out of the hospital before her shaking got too bad.”

Adrik clicked his tongue. “Why didn’t you come to me when you got back?” I looked up at him. He looked almost angry.

“I was okay. Viktor helped keep it from getting worse when we were at the hospital. I screwed up your day yesterday. I didn’t want to do it two days in a row,” I said apologetically.

His eyes softened. “My schedule doesn’t take priority over you, solnishko.”

Ivan said, “Told you.” I didn’t even look in his direction, I just snapped my fingers and pointed in his direction. I could hear him laughing.

He looked over my head to Viktor. “You really helped?”

Viktor shrugged his shoulders, a somewhat worried look on his face. “I don’t think it was the same as you, but it kept it from getting worse, which is what we were worried about.”

Adrik took a deep breath and visibly relaxed. Viktor looked at him, puzzled. “You’re not mad?”

Adrik laughed. He looked down at me as he answered Viktor. “No, the opposite, really. It makes me worry less to know that she has someone else who can help if needed.” I smiled up at him, watching as he tried to hide his heart skipping a beat.
