Page 41 of Bellona

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"No. Of course not. I was pissed at her, but she apologized and let him go." Bellona blew out a frustrated breath. "I tell you that Rita is trafficking people out of Ostia, and your concern is Laverna, whom you claim to hate?"

Romulus's expression shuttered. "You are both goddesses and friends. A fight between you two would be worse than whatever bullshit the mafia can do."

"Sure, that's the reason," Set said, rolling his eyes. "I told you I would make sure Bellona didn't go full goddess mode if provoked, and I'm going to hang around until it's over. Nothing is going to happen to your city, so stop swinging your dick about."

Romulus ignored him and instead focused on Rafael. "I was sorry to hear about Michele's death. He was a good Roman who always did honorable business. Now, with the loss of Tirone as well, you might need my help to keep things steady." He gave Rafael a black and silver card. "When Bellona has dealt with Rita and her reprobates, we can talk."

"Perhaps," Rafael replied, tucking the card in his back pocket. "Though, as I told Rita, I'm not interested in dictators trying to come in and take over my company."

Romulus smiled, though his eyes flared in annoyance. "You are young and have the protection of a goddess. That only gets so much grace with me."

"Stop acting like you aren't the king of the city, Rom. None of us believe you. Rafael calling you a dictator is mild compared to the truth, so stop getting your panties in a wad," Bellona said, trying to defuse the tension. "And where the fuck is my gelato?"

Like magic, Claudius appeared through the crowd, carrying trays containing small cups filled with gelato.

"The line was terrible. Ma donna," he said and offered the tray to Bellona. She took the green pistachio with a smile.

"I'm not going to burn down any more buildings than I have to, Rom. I did try and dissuade Rita from picking a fight with me."

Romulus looked at his cup of a dark chocolate and coffee mix. "You didn't think it might be easier to just hand Rafael over to keep the peace?"

"I'm a goddess of war. I don't give a fuck about peace. I do care about Rita treating Rafael like a piece of meat to be traded about. He's a person, and she needs to learn no means no."

Romulus looked at her, his dark eyes thoughtful. "You always did have it in for slavers."

"Maybe your dick brother should have left the Sabines alone, and then I would never have been a problem," Bellona replied, a flash of old anger rippling through her.

"Remus paid for it, and it's the present I'm concerned with, not the ancient past." Romulus glanced over at Rafael. "He is worth all of this trouble for us?"

Bellona didn't hesitate. "Yes."

"Do you need some assistance? I want this wrapped up as quickly and quietly as possible."

Bellona considered the offer but shook her head. "No, thank you. Set and I can handle this. It will be over in the next few days. Rafael doesn't deserve to be under house arrest, and I'm done reacting to Rita's lack of manners."

Romulus nodded. "Good. The city doesn't feel right at the moment. Like it's holding its breath. I'm hoping it's just the Costa family causing mischief and that it will be cleared up when Rita is in the ground."

Bellona knew Romulus was tied to the city on a metaphysical level, so if he said something was wrong, then she believed him. Something was coming, and it was bigger than Rita if it was upsetting him.

"Have you warned Laverna about your special gut feeling? Just in case it's not Rita?" Bellona asked carefully. She never could predict how he would react when it came to mentioning Laverna.

Romulus stuck his spoon into his gelato. "Laverna has never heeded any of my warnings in the past, so I doubt telling her now would do me any good. Every time I've tried to stretch a hand to her in good faith, she's bitten it," he replied with a wry smile and showed her the scar on his hand. "Once, she did it literally to prove her point."

"Perhaps if you didn't serve your good intentions with a side of arrogant asshole, she would be less opposed to the idea of accepting your help."

Romulus raised a dark brow. "If she accepted my protection as a part of my pack, then I wouldn't have to be an asshole about it."

"Never going to happen, and you know it. Laverna was never the type to listen or bow to anyone, not even Jupiter, so maybe let it go, Rom." Bellona could see just how much the idea annoyed him. They liked to fight with each other too much. If they actually fucked occasionally, Bellona would think their dominance games were foreplay.

"One day, she will surrender to me, and victory will be so very sweet," Romulus said, his voice dropping to a growl.

"Try and make it sound less gross. It's also not going to happen." Bellona sighed because she could see Romulus was never going to let it go. Fates help Laverna the day she pushed him too far. "I'll warn her if you won't. And I will call you when I'm done with Rita. There's going to be a wider cleanup to dismantle her trafficking ring, but it won't be in the city."

"Good." Romulus turned back to Rafael. "Try not to be brave and get yourself killed. I would hate to have to deal with your amore because someone broke her favorite toy."

"I'm not worried for my safety." Rafael smiled brightly. "And I like being her toy, so if you were trying to insult me, you've failed."

"Just stating a fact because mortals are only ever toys to the gods. Bellona? Call me. Set? Make sure she doesn't burn anything else down," Romulus said before gesturing to Claudius and Lucius and melting back into the crowd.
