Page 177 of Wrecking Love

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“Just go.” Mom gestured to the hallway leading to the front door. Fuck. None of this settled great in my stomach. I rounded the corner, expecting to find… I didn’t know what I was expecting.

But I wasn’t expecting to find Genevieve. She was soaked head-to-toe, her orange sweater and leggings clinging to her skin mercilessly. Water dripped from her straight hair, and I had a feeling those tiny as fuck boots she wore were soaked from her short run up the drive. She hugged her center, tears filling those pretty eyes when she saw me.

“Genevieve.” I was stuck—frozen in my spot as I stared at her stupidly.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“What?” Was she apologizing? For what?

“I’m sorry.” Genevieve sucked in a sharp breath. “I’m sorry for what I did to you. I shouldn’t…. I should’ve stood up for you. I should’ve said something when… I should’ve put you first. I’m sorry… I’m sorry I wasn’t a better wife. You… I would’ve left me too.”

Her voice broke the last sentence. I took a step toward her, but she moved back until she stood flush with the storm door. A sob caught in her throat, and she did her best to compose herself. My fucking heart cracked open in my chest as I watched her, but I didn’t say a damn word.

What the fuck could I say?

“I couldn’t go… I just… I just wanted to tell you before I leave,” Genevieve said softly.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” A wet laugh fell off her lips. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go see Gabby in Vegas or… I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just go… somewhere. I need to start over.”

Oh, fuck. Genevieve couldn’t just hit the road and see where it took her. That strategy wasn’t stable enough for her. She needed somewhere to call home—somewhere safe.

“Go to Gabby.” I heard the fucking words come out of my mouth, but my voice didn’t sound like my own.

“Yeah.” She nodded slowly and let loose a shaky breath. “That’s probably… I’ll… just please know I’m sorry.”

Before I could find something to fucking say, she backed out the door and shut it. I remained where I was, staring after her as she vanished in the rain. An inexplicable whirlwind of emotions held my heart in a fucking vice grip. My feet wouldn’t move.

What was I supposed to fucking do?

“Killian?” Mom’s hand touched my back, and I glanced at her. “Baby boy, why are you still standing here?”

“What?” I replied dumbly.

“Killian, if you were waiting for the right moment to go get your wife, this is it.”

“I just…” I just what? What the hell was I going to say? Do? Fuck, my brain was broken.

“Do you still love her?” Mom asked.

“I’ll always love her.”

“Then go get her.”

Chapter 77


Of all the things I’ve chased in my life, none compared to chasing Genevieve. It wasn’t the cold rain soaking my clothes or the mud making it fucking difficult to run. It was the complete understanding that this was it. This was it. If she left town, that was it. End game.

I’d never get her back.

“I should’ve stood up for you. I should’ve said something when… I should’ve put you first.”

Fuck. The words still floored me. And yet, I didn’t give a fuck about them.

I cared about the broken look on her face when she said them.
