Page 290 of Wrecking Love

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When I tried to shove him off, Keagan and Beau were there to hold my arms back. The monster inside me rioted as waves of rage rolled through me. I did everything in my fucking power to maintain control, but it was a flimsy effort at best.

“That should do it,” Lane announced. His magic vanished, and he released me. “You know what to do.”

“What to—” A fist to my jaw knocked the words out of my mouth and sent me stumbling.

“First one’s a warm-up,” Keagan told me with a cocky fucking grin. “Now, I’m going to kick your ass.”

I blocked the next blow, but the one after that put me on my ass. I had about two seconds to get back on my feet before a knife sliced across my stomach, cutting my shirt and skin.

“Come on, Killy Boy, I’m rootin’ for you!” Beau called out from somewhere. Who fucking knew? I was fucking focused on the goddamn pirate trying to stab me. Or cut me. Or do something with that fucking knife of his.

This was a fight I would win. I could tell that one. Keagan was fast and fucking deadly. There was no hesitation with every lunge and twist. My only chance of anything was to fucking disarm him.

I was light on my feet as I kept just out of his range. One damn cut was enough. I watched his movements, waiting for my chance to strike. When I could, I grabbed his wrist and gave it a sharp twist to knock the knife from his hand.

It worked… until the fucking man reached into his goddamn tattoo and peeled off another fucking knife.

“What the fuck?” I exclaimed.

“Never seen a magical knife, little wolf?” Keagan asked. He tossed the blade in the air, catching it with ease.

“Lane!” I snarled loudly. I turned fast on my heel to yell at him, but a knee to the stomach knocked the fucking wind out of me. Two fast hits to the face sent me sprawling on the floor.

I gasped for air. Shit, it was like getting hit by a fucking truck.

“You’re taking all the fun,” Maia commented. The toe of her boot touched my chin, and I shoved her away. “Are you giving up already? I expected more from Lane’s latest project. He speaks so highly of you, and I’m so fucking disappointed.”

I pushed off the floor with an exhale. My body fucking trembled—a mixture of rage and worry clashing inside me.

“Is your specialty that you fucking talk?” I said, making Beau laugh behind me. As she lunged forward, I took a swing. I broke my fucking rule. I hit a woman in the fucking face.

And she didn’t even fucking flinch. Me? I probably broke my fucking hand.

“What the fuck are you made of?” I demanded as I shook it out—yeah, that would fucking swell up in no time. “Jesus fucking Christ, it’s like hitting a goddamn wall!”

“Armor.” Her fucking grin was something out of a goddamn horror movie. “My skin is literal armor.”

“Fucking fantastic,” I muttered. I put my hands up, ready to keep going because what the fuck else would I do with a crazy Amazonian trying to kick my ass. “Lane! What the fuck are we doing?”

“Want me to break a few bones?” Dante offered. “Or set him on fire?”

“No fucking fire,” I growled. The sound reverberated off the walls.

“Oh, Killy Boy is angry,” Beau commented. “Sexy.”

“I will fucking kill you, Beau.”

“He’s not angry enough,” Lane said. My gaze flicked in his direction, catching the pensive expression on his face as he watched. “He’s not fighting hard enough.”

“Oh fuck you!” I resisted the urge to flip him off.

“Kal.” He glanced over his shoulder at Kal. With a sigh, Kal pushed away from the wall, his eyes glowing red.


Before I could say a fucking word to protest, utter terror took root in my chest. Panic settled in, squeezing my lungs. My heart thundered against my rib cage while my mind ran rampant with thoughts I couldn’t control.

I was going to fucking die.
