Page 79 of Whoa

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Kiss me again.

Leaving all our shit where I dropped it, I spun with her still in my arms, her legs still wrapped around my waist.

I didn’t think or speak. I barely fucking breathed.

Years of waiting. Imagining. Living solely for this moment. I built this up to epic proportions in my head… but even still, the expectation paled in comparison to the reality of her.

The sunny winter day turned dim when I stepped into the shadow of a nearby building, and I stopped, letting her body slide down mine. The hem of her sweater caught between us, revealing a patch of her waist.

I slid my hand along the bare curve, pushing her up against the cold stone wall, enjoying the way her breathing hitched when skin met skin.

“You trying to show everyone out here what’s mine?” I rumbled, leaning down so my lips practically brushed hers. After another quiet caress, I glided to the small of her back, fitting my palm into the dip just above her ass. “Right about now, they’re all thinking what a lucky bastard I am,” I said, tipping my chin just a little and dropping my voice. “They’d be right.”

Pulling her away from the building and fully into my arms, I covered her mouth to kiss deeply, sweeping my tongue into the wet heat, and hummed in satisfaction as blood turned to fire in my veins. Pulling my palm from the small of her back, I reached between us, tugging the shirt down before trailing over her hip and around to where her ass met her thigh.

I grabbed her leg and lifted, shifting to settle between her legs. She gasped, surprise flaring her nostrils. I smiled into the kiss, grasping more firmly around the outside of her upper thigh, holding it against my hip.

Our lips smacked when I broke away, slitting my eyes enough to capture her stare. “Gotta keep the weight off that foot, baby girl,” I murmured, then crashed into her again.

Moaning, she melted into the wall, arms winding around my waist and gripping handfuls of my shirt. The way she clung made me feral all over again, and I went harder, fucking her mouth for the entire campus to see.

Let them look. Let them all see she is mine.

The world was fuzzy when I lifted my head, the wintry air icy against my slick, warm lips. Even though I’d just inhaled her, my tongue darted out to slurp up every part left behind.

I knew now what it was to be an addict. To never be full. Because even though I still tasted her on my tongue, I already yearned for more.

Expelling a deep sigh, she allowed her head to drop back as though it was too heavy for her neck. I barely got my hand up to keep it from smacking into the unforgiving stone. “Watch your head, sweetheart.”

Her cheeks were rosy, her mouth a dark blush. Satisfaction rumbled inside me, expanding my chest with pride.

“People are staring,” she whispered, hands curling into my chest before dipping her face in it too.

“Bout time I got some PDA,” I mused, feeling pretty fucking proud of myself.

She lifted her face. “You left all my stuff over there on the sidewalk.”

“I held on to what was most important,” I said, tugging her just a little closer.

A bashful glint shone in her chocolate stare, and she ducked her face to hide it. She shivered, and I carefully lowered her cast leg down.

“Are you cold?” I asked, eyeing the sweater she wore beneath an open jacket. “Why isn’t your jacket zipped up?”

She shrugged.

“Take it off,” I demanded, shifting back to give her room.

Her head snapped up. “What?”

I gestured to it. “The jacket. Take it off.”


Annoyed she wasn’t doing as she was told, I grasped the edges and peeled it over her arms and shoulders.

She gasped. “Ben.”

“Aren’t you the one who said your clothes were uncomfortable and you wanted mine?”
