Page 43 of Collision

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“Then that’s settled.” I wink at him.

Half an hour later, we’re pulling into my driveway and racing toward my front step. I start to unlock the deadbolt when I realize the door is already open.

I freeze in my spot, my brain running through every scenario to explain why my door would be open already.


“My door is open.” I turn to look at Sam.

He frowns and looks around my shoulder. “You didn’t just open it?”

“No, it was already open. Was it open all weekend?” I start to go inside when Sam grabs my arm.

“Hold on. The door wasn’t open when we left. I saw you lock the deadbolt.” He gets closer to my door and inspects the doorjamb. “Carter, someone broke the door in. This is broken.”

I stare at the chipped wood in horror. “Someone broke into my house?”

“We need to call the police.” Sam pulls out his phone, his deep voice speaking in low tones as I continue to stare at my door like an idiot.

There’s something I should be doing. What should I be doing right now? I need to see if anything has been stolen. But that would require going into my house. Am I allowed to do that? Who would break into my house? It’s not like I have that many valuables. My computer and PlayStation are about the only things worth any money.

“Carter… Baby, the police are on their way.”

I stare at Sam as his words sink in. “Okay, good. That’s good. I need to…” I turn around as if I know what I’m doing, but I stay rooted to my spot.

Sam’s arms come around my shoulders and pull me into his chest. I hold on to him with a tight squeeze. He’s so solid. I’m spinning out of control, and he’s my steady ground.

“I should call that PI. Maybe this was Chase.”

“Okay, let’s do that while we wait.” Sam directs me to sit down on my front steps, and I’m grateful he’s taken over the logical thinking portion of this situation.

I scroll through my phone to find Jeffery’s contact info. When I press the call button, Sam asks if I’d rather he talk to Jeff. I hold my phone out to Sam, grateful he can tell I’m at my limit.

I listen to Sam talk to the PI. It takes about ten minutes for a couple of officers to show up at my house. They ask Sam and me questions that I answer as best as I can. They go inside to check that the place is empty, and then they wave me inside with grim faces.

I freeze in my entryway. My entire living room has been destroyed. All my stuff is in pieces on the floor, my couch has been shredded, and every cabinet in my kitchen is open and empty.

“Oh my god.” I press my palm to my mouth in shock. This is too much for me to handle. Who would do this?

“Can you tell if anything was stolen?” Sam asks gently.

I shake my head. “It’s hard to tell, but from what I can see from the pieces, no.”

Sam’s hand rubs my back, and I lean into his comfort. I look into his eyes, desperation tearing through my body. My chest feels tight while air stalls in my lungs until I’m lightheaded.

“Let’s get out of here.” Sam pulls me out of the house and to the front yard. “Take some deep breaths, baby.”

I follow his lead, watching his chest expand and deflate. I’m having a panic attack. I haven’t had one in… I don’t know how long. It takes me a few more minutes to get my breathing back to normal.

“Why would someone do that, Sam?” I croak.

“I don’t know. The police are looking for a note or anything to indicate who could be behind this.”

“I can’t go back in there, Sam. I can’t.”

“You won’t have to. I’ll make sure of it. I texted your brother, Adam, to help me get you packed up. I have a feeling he’s going to force you to stay with him and Ellie.” Sam jokes.

I smile without much humor. “Yeah, he probably will. Then my mom will insist I stay with her. I’m not sure which would be worse.”
