Page 44 of Collision

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The thought helps distract me from the break-in until the officers come striding out of my house.

“We did a cursory search and found more damage to your office and bedroom. There was also this left on your counter.” The officer with kind brown eyes holds out a small piece of paper.

This is only the beginning of what we can do.

“Do you know what they’re talking about?” The tag on his uniform says Brady.

I shake my head. This is starting to scare me. Why can’t they be more specific? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial for them?

The second officer eyes Sam and me as we continue to hug. His mouth turns down in a frown. “Seems like someone might’ve been pretty angry. You two have any thoughts as to why?” Again, his eyes stray to my arms around Sam’s waist, and I get an idea of what he’s implying. Asshole.

“I don’t have a clue. I’ve gotten a couple of threatening notes in the past few weeks, which I’ve reported to you, but I don’t know why I’m getting them.”

Officer Brady frowns at his partner and then looks back at us. “I’ll get the information on the letters and add it to our case file. I’d be surprised if they weren’t connected in some way. I’m sorry this happened to you. We’re going to do our best to go through the scene for any potential evidence, but unfortunately, the amount of damage done will likely impede our findings.”

“We understand. We appreciate you doing what you can,” Sam says. “We’re going to stay out here for the time being if that’s okay. Please let us know if there’s anything we can help you with.”

Officer Brady nods at us and turns to head back into my house. The other officer whose name I didn’t catch follows without a word to us.

“What an asshole,” Sam whispers.

I huff. “You got the same vibe?”

“Oh, yeah. I couldn’t tell for a second if he was homophobic or jealous.”

“Probably both.”

Sam tips his head. “Probably. Come on. Let’s grab our double lawn chair and sit in the shade while we wait on the cavalry.”

“The cavalry?” I frown.

“You know Adam has already called in your family to come with him.”

I grimace. “Right. Guess you’re about to meet the whole clan. Feel free to make a run for it while you can.”

“Nah, there’s no place else I’d rather be.”

Mom runs her hand down my head for the millionth time. She’s been sitting in the lawn chair with me while Sam, my brothers, and Dad go through my stuff. I feel like a sissy because I have no desire to go back into my house right now.

The police left about twenty minutes ago with the little evidence they were able to collect. The guys have been inside ever since.

“Mom, you’re going to make him go bald if you keep messing with his hair,” Sara comments.

“You hush. He needs extra love right now.”

“Yeah, I need extra love.” I wink at my sister, who rolls her eyes.

“Tell us more about Sam.” The giddiness on Sara’s face makes me clam up immediately. When they arrived at my house, Mom and Sara gushed over him. They asked him a million questions until Adam had to remind us why they were here in the first place. I can only imagine the interrogation happening in the house right now.

“How about no?” I counter.

“Oh, come on, C. Just a tiny detail? Or maybe a not-so-tiny detail?” She waggles her eyebrows.

“Sara Ellis!” Mom chastises.

“What? I was talking about his personality.”

I bark out a laugh. “We’re dating, and it’s going well. That’s all you’re getting from me.”
