Page 77 of Collision

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I shove him in the shoulder to force him toward the door. “Go. I swear I will be fine.”

“And you promise not to spend too much time on the computer?”

“Pinky swear. I’m meeting with my team to get an update on their projects and then spending an hour on my email. That’s all I’ll do today.”

He sighs. “Okay.”

“Kiss me and then get on the road. You don’t want to be late for your shift.”

Sam’s kiss is steamier than it’s been in the last week he’s been staying with me. It gives me hope that he’s not going to see me as a patient for too much longer. While I’m not quite healed enough to get dirty, I need this connection with him more than anything else.

The second the door closes, my stomach drops.

“You’re going to be fine,” I say to myself.

It’s not like I remember anything that happened. But it’s the idea that it happened at all that’s freaking me out a bit. It could easily happen again. Given that I have no idea why I was assaulted in the first place, I’m not sure how to stop it a second time.

If all else fails, I could ask Nolan to come spend time with me. The bar is closed on Mondays, so he could bring us takeout tonight. Then I won’t have to spend the evening by myself.

It’s early still. I’ve got hours before I’m supposed to meet with my team. I haven’t decided if I’m going to be on camera or not. My bruises are that yellowish-green color now. I’m glad they’re healing, but they’re still pretty ugly.

My team knows I was attacked; they just don’t know how bad it was. I’m not sure I’m ready to get into it with them either.

I grab the puzzle book Matthew got for me when I got out of the hospital and plop down on the couch. It’s been a lifesaver when my head is hurting too badly to watch TV. Knowing I’m going to be on my computer some today, I figure this is a better use of my time than watching a show.

I blow out a breath that vibrates my lips.

I’m fucking bored. This is awful.

What the hell am I supposed to do all day by myself? Even when I was a giant asshole, Sam still made the day more fun.

Breakfast is the only thing I can think of doing right now. I don’t have the energy for an elaborate spread, but something easy might not be too hard.

A quick look through my kitchen gives me the idea for blueberry muffins. Then I can make an omelet to go with them.

Plan in place, I get busy mixing my batter. When the oven is preheated, I slide the tins in to bake. These will be perfect for Sam to snack on when he gets off shift in the morning, too. I sit down while the muffins are baking to give my body time to rest. When they’re ready to come out of the oven, I’ll start on my omelet. Easy-peasy.

My doorbell rings, and I stiffen. Who the hell could be at my house right now?

I pull up my camera only to see a guy walking away from my house. There’s a box sitting on my front porch. I wait until the Amazon van drives away before I go grab it. It can’t be anything too scary if it’s from Amazon, right?

I grab the box and bring it inside.

When I open it, a laugh bursts out of me. Someone sent me a Star Wars Lego. When I get it out of the box, a piece of paper floats out, as well.

Thought you might want something to keep you occupied. Have a great day. I love you. -Sam

I grab my phone to call him. If he can’t talk, I’ll send him a text instead.

“Miss me already?” he answers.

“Of course.” I laugh. “I just got a package on my doorstep.”

“You did? What was it?”

I can hear the smile in his voice. “My ridiculous boyfriend sent me something to keep me busy today. Thank you.”

“I just figured you wouldn’t want to watch TV since you had a meeting, and this way, you have something to focus on.”
