Page 76 of Collision

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I raise my eyebrow, prepared to do battle over his medication or whatever else he’s feeling pissy about this morning. A couple of days after we got home, Carter’s mood tanked fast. Some days, he was in a lot of pain and kept getting frustrated about how slowly he was healing. It didn’t seem to matter to him that he experienced a major surgery and deep contusions all over his body. He wanted to be able to do all the things all at once.

After being mad about healing, he tried to do some work, but I wouldn’t let him because the doctor said he needed to keep screen time to a minimum. I’ve been lax on the TV because I have no idea what we would’ve done without it, but I drew a line at using his computer.

“You give me a kiss.”

My face softens into a smile. “Happily.” I do as requested. His lips are plump under mine, and I feel more connected to him than I have since he was in the hospital.

“Thank you,” he says when we pull back. “For everything. I’m sorry I’ve been such an asshole.”

“You get a pass since you didn’t choose to be this way.”

“No, I shouldn’t get a pass. Just because I don’t feel good does not mean I get to be a jerk. From here on, if I’m hateful, I lose my TV privileges.”

I laugh. “That makes me feel like I’m grounding you or something.”

“Then you can be Daddy Sam this time.” He winks at me.

“Ohhh. Kinky.” I kiss him once more and then stand from the couch to make breakfast. When I get to the stove, I take a deep breath to release some of the tension I’ve been holding. Seeing this side of Carter again gives me hope. He’s going to be okay. Physically, he’s been healing fine. It’s the mental stuff he’s been struggling with the most.

“How much longer is Tucker going to let you take time off?” Carter calls from the living room.

“He’s letting me take one more week. I had a bunch of PTO built up, so he’s happy I’m finally taking it. Plus, he knows I’d be distracted at the station if I was worried about you the whole time.”

“Okay, good. I’m glad you’re not going to be in trouble for spending all this time with me.”

“Nah, just don’t plan any vacations this year. I probably won’t be able to go,” I tease.

“God, wouldn’t that be great? Sun, sand, ocean, you in a teeny tiny Speedo.” Carter groans. “Dammit. Now I’m hard, and I can’t do anything about it.”

I bust out laughing. “That sounds like heaven to me. As long as you’re in a tiny swimsuit, too.”

“I think that can be arranged.”

This one-eighty difference in Carter’s mood has made my day. I didn’t mind his cranky attitude. I truly didn’t. But this is so much better.

“Oh, holy fuck!”

“What? What’s going on?” I run into the living room.

Carter’s eyes are bright with excitement. “Did you know they put Princess Bride on Netflix?”

“Jesus Christ, Carter. You can’t do that to me.” I rub my chest where my heart is still thumping.

“Oops.” He cringes. “Sorry.”

I shake my head and go back into the kitchen to finish making breakfast. I was hoping he’d remembered something from his attack, but he still doesn’t have any memories from that day.

The police haven’t found anything either, and we’re all starting to get worried we’ll never find out who did this to Carter.



“It’s not too late. I can call in sick.” Sam looks at me with hope in his eyes. He’s standing in my living room, hesitating to leave for his first shift since I was assaulted.

“As much as I would love to stay home with you another day, I don’t want you to use every day of PTO you have. What happens if you get sick?”

“I’ll push through it like I’ve done plenty of times before.” His childlike grin makes me laugh.
