Page 9 of Collision

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The smell of garlic and herbs permeates the room as my sauce simmers on the stove. It’s been bubbling for about an hour now, and it’s just about perfect.

When I first got a place of my own, I could barely scramble eggs. Well, I’m not even sure I would count it as scrambling them. They were mostly just broken yolks with a lot of egg whites.

I finally got tired of struggling to feed myself and asked my mom to teach me how to cook. She gave me some basic lessons and explained how to follow a recipe. Then I was left to my own devices. Over the years, I got better and better until I could look at whatever ingredients I had on hand and create a meal without a recipe.

Cooking became a way for me to decompress after work. Now that I know what I’m doing, it doesn’t take much thought. I’m able to turn off my brain and settle into the movements of being in the kitchen.

Tonight, I’m making homemade pasta and sauce. It’s one of my favorite things to make because I can freeze the leftovers and have homemade pasta whenever I want it.

My phone buzzes on the counter, making my stomach flutter. Ever since I had drinks with Sam a couple of days ago, we’ve been texting just about nonstop. He’s incredibly easy to talk to, which I didn’t expect, and I’ve started looking forward to hearing from him. I’ve even found myself reaching out to him first.

I have no idea what’s happening between us. At the very least, I’ve gained a new friend, but if I’m honest, I don’t want him to just be my friend. I’ve had a crush on him for too long to not want more. But how do I tell him that? I do not have the confidence to come right out and say it.

If all else fails, I’ll just give it some time to play out on its own. If we keep talking the way we are, maybe things will progress naturally. Then I won’t have to man up and tell him I want more. He’ll just know.

Ha. What a pipe dream.

I pick up my phone and grin at his most recent message.


What lights up a soccer stadium?




A soccer match.


You’re ridiculous.


Tell me you didn’t crack a smile on that one. Go ahead, lie to me.


My lips may have moved, but I refuse to call it a smile.


That’s okay. I can picture your adorable crooked grin on my own.

How was your day?

The butterflies in my stomach are in full flight. He’s been saying stuff like that to me since we started texting. Everything I do is adorable to him. I’m not even sure why. I’m just being myself. I can’t deny that it makes me preen every time he says it, though.

We text back and forth as I finish making dinner. He continues to make me laugh with his absurd stories of the pranks he’s pulled on his firefighter buddies. My life always feels boring compared to his. It’s made me wonder if I should start branching out a little. I have no idea what I’d do, but I feel as if I’m not living my life to the fullest—even though I’m completely content.

“It smells fucking fantastic in here,” Nolan yells as he comes busting into my house.

My eyebrows raise in surprise as I wipe my hands on the towel over my shoulder. “Did I know you were coming over?”
