Page 5 of Moon Mated

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‘I can bring you back, but I need your help in return.’

‘Help with what?’

‘I can’t bring Estella back by myself. I need your help.’

‘Of course. Whatever I need to do.’

I couldn’t imagine being separated from my wolf for any amount of time. Now that I’d experienced it, I swore to myself that I would never take being with my wolf for granted again.

My thoughts turned to Rylan and what he must be thinking and feeling. I hoped he knew that none of this was his fault, but knowing him, he probably blamed himself.

‘He needs you, Pearl.’

I need him.

Tears pricked my eyes, and an overwhelming desire to get back to him came over me. My breathing became labored, and stars danced in my periphery.

‘What do I need to do?’ I asked the Moon Spirit, turning to see its white wolf standing on top of the water.

‘This won’t be pleasant,’ the wolf warned, hackles rising in a snarl to show off its impressive canines.

I swallowed thickly before straightening my shoulders. I’d do whatever it took to get back to Rylan and bring Estella with me.

Chapter Three


I didn’t expect much since we were technically on the run from all the packs now, but a small, secluded cabin on the very edge of pack lands wasn’t what I had in mind.

The Moon Spirit had disappeared halfway into our run to this place. The path wasn’t exactly a straight line either. Deacon backtracked and did every trick in the book to cover our tracks.

All of my attention was too focused on Pearl’s nearly nonexistent heartbeat to offer to erase our scents.

The white wolf, Estella, kept pace with me, running like she did this every day. Her bottom jaw and chest were covered in blood, making her look savage. I wasn’t sure why she didn’t shift to her human form, but maybe she just didn’t want to. I could respect that.

Deacon opened the door like he owned the place, and I beelined for the first cushioned surface I could find. The couch was old and the fabric soft from years of wear, which told me this place had been well used.

I placed Pearl gently on the cushions, careful not to dislodge the blade still in her throat. The sight of it and the red-stained white dress made my hands tremble.

Seeing my mate in this state had my control hanging on by a thread. I wanted to get my hands on my aunt and wring her fucking neck. I still wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, but coming back to oneself only to see a blade they held buried in the neck of their mate would make any wolf go crazy.

“I’ll get some bandages,” Deacon offered before hurrying off somewhere.

I sank to my knees so my face was on the same level as hers. The wound looked red and angry, making my heart lurch, thinking she’d gotten an infection, which was unheard of for shifter kind. Her breathing was shallow and far apart and I knew the end was close.

What have I done?

“Rylan?” Deacon asked, back in the room with a rustle of fabric.

“This is my fault,” I whispered, fists clenched as wave after wave of emotion crashed over me until I was vibrating.

A cold nose nudged my arm, startling me out of my emotional spiral. I drew back, thinking the wolf wanted to pay her last respects. Instead, her canines bit the handle of the blade.

I reacted on instinct, grabbing the wolf by the throat, but a quick jerk of her head dislodged the knife. A roar escaped me as I threw Estella across the room, blade still in her mouth.

The smell of fresh blood distracted my murderous intentions. I turned back to Pearl, expecting the wound to be gushing and for her to take her final breath.

A small trickle of crimson spilled from the cut. Not the amount I was expecting. I stepped closer, eyes trained on my mate’s neck, surprised to find it looking better with every second that passed.
