Page 7 of Moon Mated

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‘You need to guide me back.’ She squeezed my hand in reassurance.

‘All right.’ I turned and faced the way we’d come, the darkness nearly oppressive in contrast to the brilliant light that followed my mate everywhere.

My wolf stood beside me, ready to guide our mate back to reality. I took a step forward, expecting Pearl to come with me, but she didn’t. I glanced over my shoulder wondering what the holdup was, but I just saw Pearl with her arm outstretched.

I frowned, looking down at our joined hands then up to her face again.

‘I know I said guide,’ Pearl said, sheepishly shifting her weight from foot to foot, ‘but you may need to put in more effort than that.’

What did that mean?

‘Do I need to pull you?’ I asked her.

‘I think so.’ She appeared uncertain then glancing at the light behind her.

I stepped closer to her, my eyes catching hers, and I did my best to relay through them that I had this. She could trust me. I’d do anything to get her back safely.

Her lips quivered slightly, but the smile remained on her face.

‘Let’s try again.’ I turned around once more, staring into the blackness and straightening my shoulders. My wolf rubbed against me, reminding me that he was here. The reminder helped relieve the tension in my chest.

I took a step forward then another. My arm was stretched backward, fully extended as I imagined hers was as well.

With the next step, I pulled on my mate’s wrist gently at first before adding more pressure until I felt her resistance break. She took a step forward, the tremble in her arm unmistakable. I wasn’t sure if this was her trepidation or if this much resistance was normal.

Regardless, I had to lead her through my mind that I was embarrassed for her to see. This was more intimate than sex, and I was afraid she’d somehow find me lacking. The darkness in my mind was absolute, with only the light from my mate piercing its black depths.

What would her light reveal?

Chapter Four


Navigating through Rylan’s mind was an experience. It wasn’t pleasant or terrible, just dark and full of foreboding. I couldn’t figure out why it was like this. Reuniting with me should have been a happy occurrence, but it didn’t feel like that.

The light behind me illuminated the space around us, and while the shadows roiled and shifted, I couldn’t make out distinct shapes.

Rylan didn’t look back or side to side, just straight ahead with his wolf keeping pace beside him. It was strange to see the two of them at the same time, but it also felt natural. Like this was how they always were.

I squeezed Rylan’s fingers, hoping to reassure him that I was all right. Something more was going on though.

Finally, we were standing in a dimly lit area that seemed well used, which was probably his regular headspace.

Rylan turned, eyes flicking to the light behind me before meeting my eyes. I wondered if he could feel the presence of another in it. Telling him would lead to more questions which would waste time that we didn’t have.

‘What now?’ he asked, his wolf tilting his head like he was confused.

‘Return to yourself, then command me back.’

‘Command you?’ His eyebrows scrunched adorably, like they always did when he didn’t understand.

‘You are the alpha. Your command demands obedience.’

I expected him to argue or maybe question what I was talking about, but instead he took a breath and nodded.

He tried to drop my hand, but neither one of us could break the connection. His lips pulled down into a frown before he lowered his gaze to his wolf, its eyes sparkled like he knew something Rylan didn’t.

Pulling me closer, Rylan stretched my hand toward his wolf. As soon as my skin made contact with his wolf’s fur, he was able to release my hand.
