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“He-he’s up there,” I say shakily.

“Could you please go get him? Now, Katerina.”

I don’t want to leave him. But the urge to see our son is stronger.

“Just stay here, I’ll be right back,” I tell him, getting to my feet.

“Not going anywhere, princess,” he mutters, still clutching his bleeding arm.

I manage to find the stairs leading up to the gallery and then I’m running as fast as my legs can carry me. Relief nearly knocks me to my feet when I arrive and find Nate sleeping soundly in a cot, completely oblivious. I move closer to the bed and lift him, searching his body for any bruises, making sure he’s not in pain.

After confirming he’s okay, I manage to lift him up. He stirs once I do so, his green eyes landing on my face.

“Mom?” he asks and my heart nearly drops at that.

“Hi, sweetie. I’m here, you’re okay.”

His eyes fall closed again and I can’t help but be scared that whatever they gave him to sleep was too strong. I’m also terrified that his dad won’t okay. I’m not sure where I get the burst of strength from, but I carry him down the stairs, back to his father who is still in the same position I left him.

He exhales in relief at the sight of us, reaching for his son. I place Nate on the floor and Xander runs a hand across his face reverently.

“Is he okay? He’s okay, right, Princess?”

I nod, “He’s fine. I’m fine. You saved us, Xander. You saved us.”

I’m still crying. Out of fear, gratitude, and relief. My emotions are a roller coaster. I reach for Xander and he cries out in pain.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry, Xander,” I mutter.

“It’s alright, baby. Just get me to a hospital,” he says softly still staring at our son. And then his eyes meet mine. I can see the strain in them. He’s barely fighting to stay conscious. He must have lost a lot of blood. I have no idea how he got shot in the first place.

“Katerina, remind me to kill you for going off on your own when I get better.”

Despite the situation I laugh. “I will,” I say through tears.

He touches my face with his injured arm for a second, frowning at the bruise that’s forming at the side of his head. His eyes start to fall close and I manage to catch him just before his head thuds against the floor as he falls unconscious.

I stay right next to the two most important people in my world. I wait until help arrives. It only takes a minute or two until my cousins’ face shows up in my peripheral. And once I finally see Rico, everything in me sighs with relief. And then my vision goes black.



When I wake up I’m in a hospital bed. My sister’s asleep with her head on the bed but she wakes up as soon I move.

“Kat,” she says and I watch her eyes well up with tears.

“I’m okay, sorella,” I assure her.

“How could you have been so stupid? You should have never gone there alone.”

“I know,” I mutter. "As if it wasn't already obvious, I seem to have a talent for making stupid decisions." Where are they?”

She’s quick to reassure me. I’ve been unconscious for half a day. They kept me for observation because they wanted to ensure that I didn’t have a concussion. In that time Xander’s had surgery and is currently out of danger. He’s still unconscious and will continue to be so for the rest of the day. Nate’s at home resting. Richard and Isabella came to take him away after the hospital confirmed that he was okay. He doesn’t remember much of what happened because he was unconscious the entire time.

I listen quietly as she tells me everything.

“And everyone is okay?” I confirm. “No one was hurt.”
