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My father blinks. “Excuse me?”

“I said no. No to moving to New York, no to reentering Katerina’s life. No to all of it.”

His gaze hardens. “Do you understand the implication of those words? You think because you’re the vice president you can do whatever it is you want. I could always send Graham to New York to do your job for you.”

That makes me smile. “This is the one thing Graham would be unable to do. I’m the only one capable and I refuse,” I say, getting to my feet.

He looks so angry I’m surprised he doesn’t combust.

“This is for your family,” he says. “Our company!”

“I don’t care.”

I’ve cared for way too long, not anymore. I start to walk away when I hear my father get to his feet.

“Alexander,” he says roughly. “Sit down. You’re a businessman, not a petulant child. Tell me what you want in exchange.”

That makes me pause. I turn around and head back to my seat obediently. I don’t waste a second before launching into it.

“I’m only going to New York for a year. And after that year is up, after I’ve taken care of all the problems and made sure the branch is up and running, I return. And when I do, I want you to step down from your position.”

My father is never really fazed. He just nods like he’s in agreement. I arch an eyebrow.

“What? That’s it?” I question.

“I raised you to go after the things you want, Alexander. Plus, my time as CEO is coming to an end, there’s space for new leadership. Is that all you want?”

I would ask for him to stop trying to control my life but that’s the one thing I’m never going to get. So I nod once.

“Alright, then we’re in agreement. You leave for New York in two weeks,” he orders. Then his expression clears a little. “Will you be taking Nathaniel with you?”

The only person my father has a soft spot for is his grandson.

“Of course,” I state. “I’ll be there for a year. He’s coming with me.”

His forehead crinkles. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? Just let him stay at home. That would be better. I’m sure Isabella would take good care of him.”

Considering my son can’t go two days without seeing me, I doubt it’s in anyway a good idea.

“I’m not leaving him.”

“Xander, our family has two private jets you can take at will if you want to see your son. Taking him to New York, where that woman is, is a bad idea.”

My pulse starts to race but my expression doesn’t change. The decision is made. And he seems to understand it. Surprisingly, the one area he never really fights me on is what’s best for Nate. He always has his best interests at heart and he trusts that I do too.

“You keep that woman the hell away from my grandchild, do you understand, Alexander? I want her far from him.”

“But you’d willingly throw your son into the belly of the beast?” I question.

“If I didn’t think you could handle her, then I haven’t raised you right. After so many years, you’re older, wiser, you won’t fall for the same tricks twice. You can handle her now.”

She’s not someone I can just handle, I think, frustrated. But I don’t say the words. Instead I offer my father a nod and get to my feet, exiting his office.

Trepidation accompanies my every step as I consider what I’m about to do. Entering the belly of the beast is a far too accurate depiction of my move to New York. Katerina Mincetti might not be a beast but she is a siren.

One capable of luring a man in and drowning him.

