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My eyes widen and I almost drop my phone out of shock. I haven’t heard that voice in nearly ten years. Silky and masculine. The kind of voice that makes women swoon. I’d recognize it anywhere. It’s engraved in my mind. I’ve had dreams about it. But it seems impossible that the owner of the voice is calling me.

“Seeing as you haven’t said anything, I’m guessing you know who this is,” the man on the other hand prompts.

My hand tightens around the phone. I feel a tremble on my other hand.

“Alexander,” I breathe, the name coming out of me in a rush.

I haven’t said his name in a very long time.

“Hello, princess,” he says.

Once he called me that with love, now there’s only ice in his tone.

“What? Why are you calling me?” I ask, trying to keep my nerves at bay. “How did you even get this number?”

“Did you really just ask me that?”

It was a stupid question. The Steeles are reputable in the technological world. They can hack into anything. And Xander’s the best hacker I’ve ever met.

“No. But I do want to know to ensure no one is able to use the same route you did.”

“No one can,” he says lazily. “The means with which I used to acquire your number are mine and mine only.”

“Enough with the small talk,” I say, despite the thudding in my chest. “There must be a reason you called me.”

“Yes, I’d like to set up a meeting. I’m in New York,” he informs me.

“Why did you go through the trouble of hiding your location when you were just going to tell me?”

“Why not?” And I can just imagine the shrug that accompanies that. “5 o’clock tomorrow, the roof of Flatiron hotel. Come alone.’

My eyebrows go up. “There’s no way in hell that’s happening. Why would I meet you after ten years of no contact? And I’m not at liberty to go anywhere alone. Especially considering the position I’m in.”

“Oh yeah, I heard about your promotion. Congratulations. I guess you’re not a mafia princess anymore but a queen. I would have sent a flower basket, if I didn’t fucking despise you.”

His words are like a shard of ice piercing my chest.

“If you despise me so much then why do you want to meet me?”

“My hatred of you is personal. This is about business.”

“I’m not coming.”

“But you will, Katerina. Because you hate not knowing things. What I have to say to you is important. Come alone,” he repeats. “If any guards or protection detail following you around think you can’t handle yourself, then they’re idiots.”

That would be so sweet if it wasn’t for the fact that I know he doesn’t mean it as a compliment.

I sigh softly. “You knew me ten years ago. I’ve changed and I’m not walking into a meeting with you without having any information.”

“Your loss, princess,” he says easily. “But I’ll be waiting. 5pm, Flatiron hotel. Leave the guards downstairs and come up alone.”

And with those words, he hangs up. I stare into space for a couple of seconds. I am absolutely shaken to my core, so much that Rico has to grab my shoulder to bring me back to reality.

“Was that your ex-boyfriend, Alexander? The heir to Steele industries?” he questions, staring at me inquisitively.

I shake my head, my throat closing up. “I need to…” I gesture outside.

Rico understands and leans over to open the car door.
