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“Katerina,” he says and I can hear the worry in his voice. I practically stumble outside and manage enough dignity and poise to not run into the house. I make it to my room, before locking the door and sliding down to the floor, taking short gasping breaths.

I’m having a panic attack. My hands start to shake as I sit on the floor, trying to count my heart beats. I haven’t had a panic attack in years. Ten years to be exact. The last one I had was in relation to Alexander Steele. I guess it’s fitting that this one is as well.

It takes about thirty minutes for me to recover. I manage to push myself off the ground, getting to my feet to sit on my bed. I am beyond grateful that my father wasn’t around to witness that. Now I just need to make sure none of the men mention it to him. I’ll have Rico make the necessary threats.

I know he’s outside my door right now. Waiting for me to step out. But I’m not ready to face him. I’m not ready for the inevitable questions. But I also can’t hide like a scared little girl. So I get to my feet once again, steeling my nerves as I walk over to the door and open it. Rico’s leaning on the other side of the wall. As soon as the door opens, his eyes are on me, searching.

“Just come in,” I mutter, leaving the door open and walking over to the bed to take a seat.

He enters, seating on the chair facing me.

“So you haven’t heard from this guy since you broke up,” he begins. “He calls you today, asks for a meeting and you completely freak out. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but that seems a little fishy, cugina. What happened between you two?”

“We broke up,” I mutter.

“I’ve broken up with a lot of girls,” my cousin counters. “One call from any of them has never made me as pale as you are right now.”

I curse under my breath softly.

“It was a bad break up, Rico. Let it go,” I say authoritatively.

His brown eyes continue to peer at me. “You’re not going to that meeting alone.”

“I’m not going at all,” I say tiredly.

He gives me a look that calls bullshit and I sigh.

“Fine, I’m going,” I admit.

I’d be dumb not to. I never in a million years would have expected him to reach out to me. And I’m going to find out why.

“And I’m going with you,” he states.

I shake my head. “He said to come alone. You can wait for me in the car.”

I give him a look daring him to contradict me. But seeing as I’m the Boss he doesn’t, instead inclining his head in agreement.

“Good. Now leave please. I’d like to rest,” I tell him.

He gets to his feet while I kick off my heels and burrow under my blanket.

“Rico,” I say softly before he steps out. “Tell the men that saw….” I trail off.

“I’ll tell them you were feeling ill and needed to use the restroom,” he says gently.

“Thanks cugino.”

He offers me a small smile before walking out of the room, leaving me alone. I fall asleep soon after. Sleep has always been a means of escape for me. When shit doesn’t make sense, I sleep. It’s my coping mechanism. By the time I’m up tomorrow, my head will be clearer and I’ll be able to figure out my next course of action.

I wake up refreshed the next morning and get dressed, heading out for the day with a cup of coffee in hand, eyes clear, head sharp. My journey to the car is however derailed by my father stepping into the path. I offer him a small smile.

“Where have you been, Papa?” I question, looking him in the eyes. “You weren’t home last night.”

We’re nearly the same height with him only an inch taller than me. But in my heels I’m taller. His height doesn’t really matter though. Not when he’s one of the most feared men in New York and one who built his empire from scratch. My dad can be ruthless, intimidating. All qualities I try to emulate.

He’s dressed in running shorts and a tank top. My dad is in his fifties but he looks younger. And since he left his position as Don, he’s been much more relaxed. More than I’ve seen him in years.

“When I returned you were asleep,” he says. “And stop questioning me like you’re my guardian. My movements are none of your concern.”
