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“Hey princess,” I greet.

“Xander, good morning,” she says, sounding a little out of breath. I can hear the clacking of keys on the other line. “I was just calling to ask if you already dropped Nate off. You did still take him to school, right?”

“Yeah. We got there around 8,” I tell her. “He likes to get an early start to his day.”

“Oh,” she says softly. “I should have called earlier then. I just got so busy and the time got away from me.”

“Its fine,” I quickly assure her. “You can talk to him later when I pick him up. Or better still, would you like to pick him up from school?”

She falls silent at that and the clacking on the other end stops for a few seconds. Then it resumes.

“Of course, I’d love that. Thank you. Listen, I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later...”

“Whoa, whoa, hey,” I say on a chuckle. “Chill for a second. What are you up to?”

She hesitates before answering. “Well, I’m working on something illegal.”

“Unsurprising,” I murmur with a smile.

“But it’s for a good cause.”

“What good cause?”

“I’m trying to bring hack into Colton industries. Destroy all their software from within. But it’s proving difficult,” she informs me.

“You’re kidding?” I ask. “How long have you been working on this?”

“About two weeks.”

I frown. Ever since the story broke up. I’ve got to hand it to her, the devil may work fast, but Katerina Mincetti works faster.

“Let me guess, you are also responsible for the explosion that occurred at their factory last week.”

“It was a small fire that destroyed all their tech. plus no one got hurt,” she says defensively.

Surprisingly, I find myself chuckling at that, “Alright, princess. I want in.”

I can tell it takes her a couple of seconds. “In with what?”

“You obviously need my help, Katerina. I know my best quality is my face but I also happen to have a brain that’s capable of breaking into any firewall or mainframe. Some would also argue that my personality is my best trait. But that’s not the point.”

“No, the point is that you have an enormous ego,” Katerina says amused.

“The point is that I can help you,” I correct. “Plus, I’ve been thinking of ways to get back at that bastard since everything happened. I should have known you’d beat me to it. So what do you say? Let me help you take him down. For good.”

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” Katerina questions.

“No actually. I dropped off Nate so my schedule’s wide open for the day. It turns out being unemployed might not be what’s it’s perked out to be. Come on, princess. I’m bored out of my mind.”

She laughs. “Alright fine. But are you comfortable with coming here?”

“Where’s here?”

“My family’s home. It’s in the Upper West Side, I could send you directions.”

That gives me pause. I’ve never been to her family’s home. And I get the feeling not a lot of people get the chance to be invited there.

“Would that be okay though?”
