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“Alright. Thanks, princess.”

She leaves and I’m left alone. I stare at the laptop for a couple of seconds, my skin buzzing in anticipation of what I’m about to do. Katerina’s already done a chunk of the work, sneaking past several encryption codes and faux walls. But it’s clear she’s having trouble accessing their main system. The firewall is pretty solid, formidable. But I would have expected nothing less.

I’m not sure how much time passes as I look for a weakness. Probably minutes until I find a blind spot and I’m able to enter their system undetected. From there it’s all about creating a few lines of code in order to unleash a virus I meticulously crafted. It slithers through the network undetected.

My lips turn up in a smile as I watch the virus spread, each note of the code playing its part in the grand symphony of destruction. Which is around the time I look up, feeling her eyes on me. I didn’t even realize she had returned. When I’m in the zone, nothing else tends to matter.

“You look like a villain in a movie,” Katerina says. “I’m guessing you were able to get in?”

I grin, ‘Come see for yourself, princess.”

She stands beside my chair, crouching down to look at the laptop. I pretend not to be affected by her scent, which momentarily clouds my senses. Or her proximity. She stares at the carnage for a couple of seconds.

“So what happens now?” she questions, a smile in her voice.

“With their software compromised, day to day operations will have to come to a halt. They’ll face immeasurable financial losses especially since they’re a tech company that should not be susceptible to such an attack in the first place. Any and all faith in their products will be lost. Their reputation is officially damaged forever. They’d need to rebuild their software systems from scratch which wouldn’t be easy. And the good news is, it’ll be impossible for them to trace it all back to us. I’m sure Colton knows it was us, but he has no proof.”

She stares at me for a couple of seconds and I find myself wondering what she’s thinking, wishing I could read her mind. Then she blinks, looking away.

“So you did it. And with fifteen minutes to spare,” she states, showing me the time on her phone.

It took me exactly an hour, forty five minutes to completely ruin a conglomerate. That would be a little terrifying if I wasn’t the one with the ability. I lean back in the seat, offering Katerina a cheeky grin.

“You don’t have to say it,” I tell her. “I know I’m amazing.”

She rolls her eyes. “You’re also insufferable. So what do you want?”

I think about it for a couple of seconds before replying.

“On a scale of one to ten how busy are you today?” I question.

“Well considering my position, I’m always busy. But I can make time. It depends on what you want.”

I get to my feet and stand in front of her. “In light of my recent unemployment, it would seem that I’m jobless and in the mood for some company.”

Her nose crinkles. “And you want me to what?”

I take one of her hands in mine, massaging her palm with my thumb.

“Spend the day with me, princess. We don’t even have to go anywhere. You can show me around the mansion you grew up, a grand tour of some sorts,” I say imploring.

She seems hesitant but then nods once. “Fine. I guess it can’t hurt.”

Actually, it could. Really, really badly. But it’s okay to want things that hurt.

“Great, first off, I want ice-cream. Come on,” I say, pulling her hand and leading her away from the office.

She takes the lead once we’re outside the office, walking me through the rows of hallways until we find ourselves in a large kitchen, with an island in the middle. There’s a middle aged woman inside I’m guessing is the cook, who stiffens at our arrival, bowing her head slightly.

“Hi, Collete. I was wondering if we had any ice-cream,” Katerina says politely.

“Of course, ma’am. You could have called and I would have had it brought to you,” the woman, Collete says, her eyes still fixed to the floor.

“That’s fine. We’ll get it ourselves, you can go,” Katerina states, dismissing her.

Collete doesn’t argue walking out of the kitchen immediately. I poke Katerina in her ribs gently.

“She was so scared of you, which is amusing because you’re a five foot seven blonde who once cried while watching Winnie the pooh.”
