Page 111 of Secrets of Alkrose

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Edgar stands over the bowl, dropping two heads before we get close enough to draw his attention. He shoves his hands in his pockets and waits for Darkflies to arrive. He has his two crowns, so I guess now he doesn’t want to hurt us.

We remain on guard as Raine and Corvus drop their heads into the gilded bowl. The six of us wear blood and silence alike.

I can’t look at Edgar—because of my guilt and because he’s no longer my brother.

After five minutes of waiting, someone else appears in the distance, a female, carrying a male comrade behind her. My heart falters as I catch sight of her white hair stained with blood.

Lucina has Aervin’s limp body slung over her back, struggling to carry his weight, and she screams.

“Edgar—she killed Aervin!”



Edgar looks at Lucina with wide eyes, disbelief flickering across his gaze before he slowly trudges towards her. Lucina falls to the ground and Aervin’s body topples off her shoulders.

His glazed-over eyes stare deep into my soul. I know his death is my fault. Finn and Kai make painful sounds no one should have to swallow. Aervin was their friend too, he trained with them, shared classes with them.

I did this.

Edgar falls to his knees beside Lucina and frantically searches her before trying to shake his friend awake. When Aervin remains very much dead, Edgar throws his head back and wails. The sound is twisted and eerie, his teeth bared, but his pain cuts into me all the same.

Finn shifts his feet with discomfort and that snaps Edgar’s attention back at me.

There’s a sea of betrayal in his red eyes. The white of them have gone black.

“I’m going to make you suffer until the very end. That’s my promise to you, Terra,” he says coldly as he stands.

Darkflies finally appear, but the second they do, Edgar’s jaw ticks and the pure force of Edgar’s Shadow smashes the soldiers apart. Their blood and entrails whip across my face and terror befalls me unlike any other.

I’m in shock and can’t find the will to move at all. Raine sets his hand on my shoulder and I turn to look at him. His eyes are blue again and he doesn’t look tired anymore. Just sad.

“This is goodbye, baby. I should have told you I loved you at least once?—”

Edgar’s at my side in the blink of an eye, his hand going straight through Raine’s chest.

Time slows and the drops of blood that fly from the impact look like raindrops cascading around us. Raine doesn’t react to the impact. Perhaps he’s seen this fate a million times and has already felt what he does now. But my heart shatters in every conceivable way as he smirks at me one last time and slowly shuts those royal-blue eyes.

I raise my hands, calling on my time magic to reverse this clock. But Amser stays silent, letting Edgar take Raine to the ground and tear his heart straight out of his chest.

It may as well be my own heart.

Raine’s neck arches and he lets out one pained groan before his muscles relax and his body stills. Finn, Corvus, and Kai all watch, stunned.

I crumble to the ground and cradle Raine’s head. His eyes are closed like he’s only sleeping. Edgar tosses his heart into the gilded bowl carelessly.

Tears blind me as I retrieve his heart. It’s still warm in my hands. I try to place it back into his chest. The others watch in silence, tears falling from their pained expressions. Edgar stands next to Lucina, who’s still crying atop Aervin.

I force Amser harder this time. Please, fix him.

It responds, Sully’s will cannot be undone, little shadow. Destiny has come and gone.

Veins protrude from my temples as I force power into my hands.

“Why?” I cry, speaking to Amser, but Edgar answers, eyes dull and void.

“You think I’m done? Finn’s next.”
