Page 7 of Hammer

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“Gifts? For me?” I can’t hide my surprise. I can’t remember the last time I was given a gift without the giver expecting something in return. Of course, my demented mind automatically begins to wonder what they want from me.

Hammer must sense my apprehension, because he says, “Give us a minute.” Then he takes me by the hand and leads me into the solarium. “What’s going on in that head of yours? These women are the nicest people you’re ever going to meet, but your expression went cold.”

He’s not smiling anymore. He’s angry with me. Guilt overwhelms me, and I want to explain, but I’m not sure I can. “No one has ever brought me gifts before.” I hesitate before going on to say, “Without wanting something from me.” I quickly add, “I know that isn’t fair to think that, but it’s been my reality and suddenly…” I don’t even know how to finish what I’m trying to tell him.

“Who the fuck did this to you? Who the hell hurt you so bad that you’re questioning everyone and everything in sight?” He scans my face for an answer, but I clamp my jaw and turn my face away, closing my eyes tightly. With a gentle hand under my chin, he turns my head to face him. “Those are incredible women who give selflessly. If you let them in, you’ll never regret it, but you have to give them a chance. Can you do that?”

I let out a heavy breath and nod curtly. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“Don’t be. I’m not sure what happened to you or why you felt you had to move halfway across the world, but I’m sure as hell glad you did, because I want to get to know you. One day, when you’re ready, I hope you’ll share what went down.”

“It’s silly.”

“It’s not,” he insists. “That look on your face says it’s not okay, but I’ll drop it for now and leave you to get to know your new friends. I’ll be back later this afternoon. I thought I’d take you out for a ride.”

The idea of spending time with Hammer lightens my heart. He takes me back to the others and whispers something in his sister’s ear before leaving me to have breakfast with my new friends.

* * *

Hammer wasn’t kidding when he said the Lady Pride are wonderful, starting with Ava. Her bright and cheery nature is surpassed only by her generosity. A sparking new crystal bowl now sits on my counter, right next to the fresh bouquet that was delivered by yet another Lady Pride member named Rose. She dropped in on her busiest day just to bring me flowers. Rose is with a man named Thunder. She was so sweet and asked me to drop by her flower shop when I get a chance.

Willow is the woman Hammer told me about who saved Roscoe when some guys ran him off the road with the intention of doing him harm. She’s feisty and a lot of fun. Willow and Abby, who is married to Ghost, brought me homemade preserves and all sorts of goodies in a basket. I’m not sure about their story, but when Ghost came to pick up Abby, he scared me half to death, until he put his arm around his girl and kissed her sweetly. He’s huge and intimidating and the scowl on his face was terrifying. Then all of a sudden, he went from dragon to teddy bear.

Vi’s a character. She’s determined, smart as a whip, runs her own business making unique jewelry, and is a true fashionista. Even in jeans and a T-shirt, she looks like she walked out of a fashion magazine. I haven’t met her daughter, Gabriella, but from what I hear, she’s the spitting image of Mama. Orion, her husband, is the IT and security guru of the group, and he and Guard are really close.

Imagine my embarrassment when I find out that Maddie is the Maddie from the Smoking Guns. I feel like a fool that I didn’t recognize her.

“I’m such an idiot,” I say.

She brushes it off. “Oh please! I’m not made-up like I’m going on stage, and I don’t think the Smoking Guns are big in England.”

“Are you kidding?” I squeak. “The Smoking Guns are huge everywhere.”

“And get this, Sofia’s husband is Lucien Bardon, the famous singer, but we call him Demon,” Camille adds.

“I nearly died when I saw him at the club the first time,” Charlotte says.

“I love his music. His latest album is the best he’s ever made, and I had a huge crush on his bandmate,” I tell them.

“From what I hear, Dean was a great guy. It’s unfortunate that they were so young, they didn’t know how to handle the fame. It screwed them up, and when Dean died, Demon went down a dark path. Thank God for Guard and his club brothers, who brought him back to life,” Camille says.

Camille is a nurse, who is married to a club brother called Steady. Izzy, his sister, is married to Saint, the doctor Hammer told me about with the clinic in town. Charlotte makes dresses and specializes in wedding gowns. Her man is Wildcard. He works with Hammer, Priest, Roscoe, and Ghost in the bounty-hunting business, primarily handling the computer systems.

I’ve never received so many presents. It’s usually me buying gifts for others. I push aside those nagging thoughts that these women are up to something and the shoe is going to drop at any moment. I’m glad I do, because I’m having the best time.

“We’ve taken up so much of your day, but we’d love to have you come by the club for a barbecue on Saturday night,” Vi says.

“The other clubs are coming into town for the night, Vi,” Ava warns.

“We’ll take care of her,” Vi states firmly.

“Hammer won’t let her out of his sight,” Izzy replies with a giggle.

“I’m not sure—” I start.

“You have to come. Please!” Izzy pleads. She gets close to me and quietly says, “Hammer will want you to come. I do too. I’d really like to get to know you better.”

I don’t want to commit myself, and I’m not so certain that Hammer will want me to go. “I’ll think about it.” I give her a reassuring smile.
