Page 43 of Enemy Next Door

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“Now, Nala, calm down.” I try to reach for her, but she places her hand between us.

“Don't come near me,” she says through gritted teeth.

I had never imagined what her reaction would be when she found out about Gianna and me, but it wouldn’t have been this.

“I'm sure you don't even know today is her birthday despite the fact that I told you a week ago,” she spits at me.

Something close to guilt settles in my chest because she's right. I had forgotten.

How could I have forgotten?

I had the perfect plan for her birthday, but I haven't been able to bring it to life because of how busy I've been.

“See,” she points out, shaking her head. “I thought you loved me, but I guess pleasure blinds you so much that you have absolutely no respect for me or my feelings, causing you to bang my best friend!”

“Why are you getting so annoyed? I didn't force her into anything.” I wasn’t expecting to have to defend myself so brutally.

“You didn’t need to. She has always been a little too much in—" she cuts herself off, her eyes widening in a way that suggests she's not supposed to say that.

“She's what?” I wanted to know what she was about to say, especially if it was what I thought she was about to say.

She shakes her head. “You shouldn't have done this, Chris. You really shouldn't have.”

Her words and reactions make me wonder if I had done something wrong without knowing. She's not the first to have gotten angry with me over her. Luke also did.

“Stay away from her and cut whatever situation you guys have, if you want us to be okay.” An ultimatum.

“You are laying down conditions because I slept with your friend? You can’t be serious.” I can’t help but sound incredulous.

She shakes her head again. “You are always so clueless. So clueless,” she repeats, muttering to herself. She grabs her purse from the sofa and dashes for the door.

“Where are you going? We are not done talking,” I call out.

All I receive in response is her slamming the door after her.

Gianna dressed in comfy sweats runs into her living room panting. She looks around confusedly. “Where's Nala? Were you able to talk to her?”

“She wants nothing to do with me unless I end this.”

She gulps and places one of her hands on her left hip. “What a great day.”

“It's your birthday. It should be special.”

“I don't celebrate my birthday.” She runs her hands through her hair. “I'm sorry, but I would love to be left alone right now.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she says.

I go to her room and take out the shirts I forgot in her apartment the last time I spent the night here. I put it on with my discarded pants from last night.

When I head for the door, she doesn't even spare me a glance or wave goodbye. That hurts.

It hurts to be rejected, and it hurts that I have nobody on my side who is ready to listen to me. They are all mad at me for getting with Gianna. But what they don't understand is that I tried hard to resist until I couldn't anymore.

And now I'm dealing with several confusing feelings.

Chapter 15
