Page 51 of Enemy Next Door

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“Thank you so much.”

I press the elevator button and quickly step out, relishing in the much-needed fresh air.

A lady passes by. “Can you please direct me to Gianna Hermosa's office?” I ask.

Her frown deepens, and she crosses her arms. “Who are you?”

“I'm Chris. Her best friend's brother.” I explain after finding no better way to introduce myself.

Her eyes flicker from my face to my shoes then back to my face. It's not condescending. Far from it. It's something else that I don't understand. She suddenly smiles, taking me aback.

“Come, I will show you to her office.”

She leads the way, occasionally looking back to make sure I'm following. She leads me to the last office on the right side. She opens the door without knocking which shows the level of closeness they have.

Gianna is seated at her desk, her glasses resting on her nose. Lips pursed as she sketches what I assume is a plan.

“Sam, how many times will I have to tell you to knock first before entering?” She doesn't look up, busy with her sketch. She looks so cute and sexy. I never knew I would find a woman who's buried deep in her work, wearing unflattering glasses, sexy.

“You have a visitor.”

She sighs and looks up. Her pencil drops recklessly from her hand. She removes her glasses as if she can't believe I'm here.

“You never told me your best friend has a hot big brother,” Sam says, her eyes fixed on me.

Gianna stands with her two hands on her desk, looking livid. “Sam, please excuse us.”

Sam leaves us, and the tension in the air thickens.

“What are you doing here, and how did you find my office?”

I walk forward to her chagrin. “You, of all people, know I go to extra lengths to get what I want.”

“And what do you want?”

“I want you to stay away from Perez,” I state simply.

She looks puzzled at first before she bursts into laughter. “Seriously, this is what you came all the way here for?” She stops laughing and frowns. “You haven't even apologized for assaulting my client.”

“You call that loser a client? He was flirting with you.”

“And what's so wrong with that? Why do you care?” she presses.

“I care because that bastard is up to no good.”

She scoffs and starts gathering her sketches. “He's just a client. I don't care whatever happened between the two of you. I'm only doing my job.”

“Your job?” I chuckle lightly. “Is kissing your client part of your job description too?” Jealousy seeps out of my voice.

“What I do with my life is none of your business, okay? Why are you acting so paranoid?”

“Do you like him?” I can’t help myself from asking.

“Like I said, it's really none of your business.”

“I don't share my women. If you know what's best for you, you will stay away from that bastard,” I inform her.

She carelessly drops her sketches on the desk and rounds her table to walk to me. “You have overstayed your welcome. It's time for you to leave.”
